Debug Log 2024-10-01 22:34:02 ->Looking for Metadata... Looking for Metadata at C:\LaunchBox\Metadata\metadata.xml... Metadata found at C:\LaunchBox\Metadata\metadata.xml! metadataFilePath: C:\LaunchBox\Metadata\metadata.xml xmlReadCompleted: True xmlGames.Count: 161457 gameCount: 161457 platformCount: 183 GameAltNamesCount: 55203 Started processing games... Adding alt names to game data altNameDict contains 37889 entries. Processed: 161457 metadata games! Processed: 37889 AltGameNames! Ended processing games -> Starting GridView loading. Dropdown Item: Nintendo 64 Selected Platform ScrapeAs: NullOrEmpty Platform Found: True Starting GetAllPlatformGames... Filter by Released: True Starting GetAllGames... ownedGamesList Count: 303 ownedGames Count: 303 Filtering ownedGames... Filtering ownedGames completed! Creating HashSet... ownedGameIds HashSet complete: 303 Starting missingGames check... Processing Missing Games. xmlGames: 161457 ownedGames: 303 - missingGames: 87 Processing Missing Games completed! Populating Game Lists! Suspending ownedGamesGridView... Suspending missingGamesGridView... Suspending noPlatformGridView... Clearing data containers... Clearing data containers completed! Loading ownedGamesDisplayData... ownedGamesDisplayData loaded! 303 Loading missingGamesDisplayData... missingGames first LBID: 108227 Loading missingGamesDisplayData completed! Loading DisplayData completed! Binding ownedGamesBindingSource with 303 ownedGamesDisplayData elements... Binding ownedGamesBindingSource completed! Starting missingGames or noPlatform binding... Binding missingGamesBindingSource with 87 missingGamesDisplayData elements... missingGames.Count: 87 Binding missingGamesBindingSource completed! GridViews Processed! Apply column visibility to 14 columns. Resuming ownedGamesGridView... Resuming missingGamesGridView... Resuming noPlatformGridView... Resuming GridViews completed!