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Posts posted by damyx

  1. Hello to all gamers.

    I have a question about the possibility of moving a Launchbox installation to another computer, without having to re-configure everything.

    I have all my Launchbox installation (medias, games, config, emulators etc ..) in a single folder on my PC (D: / Launchnbox) in the living room and I would like to move all this folder to a portable pc. so I can play on my laptop on the go.
    Do I have to do a particular manipulation or just copy paste the folder from the living room PC to the Laptop?
    that would be great but I'm afraid it won't be that simple ...

    Thanks for your help.

  2. @faeran Congratulations on this theme which is for me the most beautiful graphically of BigBox !
    I take a lot of time and fun making my custom banners thanks to your youtube tutorial which is very practical.

    I have 2 questions to improve this theme and I would like to know if you can help me:

    1 / Make a selection outline (cursor?) on the selected banner when you move on the horizontal plateform/game wheel because when you scroll the banners quickly, I don't know where I am. I often have to wait for the black fade effect to notice the selected banner.
    I put an example of "outline" in attachment

    2 / Is it possible to have a game view with a much larger video because the videos are small on the default views. Ideally I would like to have a view like that of my attachment when I roll over on my banner. Have you considered doing this type of view or can you tell me how to do this? Do I need the source files for the theme creator?

    Thank you for your response and congratulations



  3. Hello, I have a question about playlists and their display as a "folder" in the view list of platforms in Big Box.

    In Launchbox, I create several playlists (Nba jam games, Pizza Gaming Party, etc.) and I would like to put them in a parent folder called "My Playlists" which is displayed when I am in BigBox in the default view "List platforms. "

    Basically I would like that in Big Box, in my default view, I have the list of the usual platforms (Arcade, NES, Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, Nintendo Gameboy, Sega Megadrive, etc ...) + my parent folder " My Playlist ".
    And I feel like you can't do that in Launchbox. We cannot create a "fake" platform (in my case "My Playlists") ? 

    Thanks for your help hoping I was clear enough.


    PS I use BannerBox theme and i I have attached an image to better explain my idea.



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