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Posts posted by Dreamstate

  1. 5 hours ago, Favela_King said:

    I am blown away with these vertical bezels, I put my 32 inch vertically and using these is by far the most amazing experience.

    Any plans on doing even more of these? I already have your whole collection!

    You helped me a lot by doing these, to go thru problems of life so thanks!!


    Glad you like them.


    I'll continue these when I can. The next month is going to be busy for me but after that if things aren't too crazy I'll complete a bunch i have almost completed like the Rock-Ola series and more Zaccaria cabs. 

  2. Zaccaria Puck Man 8k

    I'm including the Zaccaria horizontal overlay I made a while back in this zip. The cab sides were made by Orionsangel and the arcade reflection is by Mr. RetroLust. 

    Note: I had to change the name of the zip file to pacman to get the site to upload it. I tried 10 times and noticed it uploaded every other file i threw at it except this one. I changed the name just to see if it would upload and BAM, done. I don't know what's going on with the site but whatever. Simply change the name of the zip file to puckman.zip and you should be good to go. Everything inside the zip is fine. I replaced the arcade reflection from Mr.RetroLust on the vertical overlay with my own.

    2 copy.png



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  3. 4 hours ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

    Thanks so much Dreamstate! I'll play around with it tommorow, I think i'll keep it simple though and put the game screen on top of the bezel (i'm getting lazy after all these years lol), hope you can check it for me if it works tommorow.

    Well If you prefer to do it that way, it's as easy as just renaming your bezel to backdrop in the layfile. Normally this wouldn't work if you had anything on the bezel game area like your arcade reflection with the scratches and such. The game screen would sit on top and you wouldn't see any of the reflections. But since this is a vector game everything on screen is blank except the game vectors. So it works easy and looks fine.


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  4. Nope, this doesn't work. All the artwork is on top of the game screen. The only way you'll be able to see through the backdrop is if you make it transparent like your arcade reflection and you haven't done that. Simplest way to check is simply to open it up in any photo vieweer. The whole game screen is black. That means it's not transparent. But be aware, you reduce brightness of images when you make them transparent. The background will look dim and the game play will also not look as bright with imagery on top of it even if it's transparent.

    What you want to do is have a background image behind the game screen and then something on top of it. You have to have two separate image files. One, the background/back image. Two, the foreground/front image/top. Make the background the "backdrop" label it "backdrop" in the layfile. Then you have your normal bezel on top.


    <element name="backdrop">


    <backdrop element="backdrop">


    The backdrop comes first in order on your layfile and everything down from there goes on top in order of view.


    <!-- warrior.lay -->

    <mamelayout version="2">
        <element name="marquee">
            <image file="warrior_marquee.png" />
        <element name="cpanel">
            <image file="warrior_panel.png" />
        <element name="speakers">
            <image file="speakers.png" />
        <element name="backdrop">
            <image file="warrior.png" />
        <element name="bezel">
            <image file="warrior_bezel.png" />

        <view name="Marquee">
            <backdrop element="backdrop">
                <bounds x="936" y="2290" width="2130" height="1550" />
            <bezel element="bezel">
                <bounds x="0" y="0" width="4000" height="4243" />
            <marquee element="marquee">
                <bounds x="0" y="-1000" width="4000" height="1000" />
            <screen index="0">
                       <bounds x="1125" y="2440" width="1750" height="1314" />
        <view name="Full_Cabinet">
            <bounds x="0" y="-800" width="4000" height="7100" />
            <backdrop element="backdrop">
                <bounds x="936" y="2290" width="2130" height="1550" />
            <bezel element="bezel">
                <bounds x="0" y="0" width="4000" height="4243" />
            <marquee element="marquee">
                <bounds x="0" y="-800" width="4000" height="1000" />
            <screen index="0">
                       <bounds x="1125" y="2440" width="1750" height="1314" />
            <cpanel element="cpanel">
                <bounds x="0" y="4263" width="4000" height="2200" />
        <view name="Full_Cabinet_Lit">
            <bounds x="0" y="-800" width="4000" height="7100" />
            <backdrop element="backdrop">
                <bounds x="936" y="2290" width="2130" height="1550" />
            <bezel element="bezel">
                <bounds x="0" y="0" width="4000" height="4243" />
                <color red = "0.3" green = "0.3" blue = "1.0" />
            <marquee element="marquee">
                <bounds x="0" y="-800" width="4000" height="1000" />
            <screen index="0">
                       <bounds x="1125" y="2440" width="1750" height="1314" />
            <cpanel element="cpanel">
                <bounds x="0" y="4263" width="4000" height="2200" />
                <color red = "0.3" green = "0.3" blue = "1.0" />
        <view name="Upright_Artwork">
            <bounds x="0" y="320" width="2500" height="2332" />
            <backdrop element="backdrop">
                <bounds x="585" y="1431" width="1331" height="969" />
            <bezel element="bezel">
                <bounds x="0" y="0" width="2500" height="2652" />
            <screen index="0">
                       <bounds x="703" y="1525" width="1094" height="820.5" />
        <view name="Cropped_Artwork">
            <bounds x="0" y="730" width="2500" height="1922" />
            <backdrop element="backdrop">
                <bounds x="585" y="1431" width="1331" height="969" />
            <bezel element="bezel">
                <bounds x="0" y="0" width="2500" height="2652" />
                <color red = "0.3" green = "0.3" blue = "1.0" />
            <screen index="0">
                       <bounds x="703" y="1525" width="1094" height="820.5" />


    • Thanks 1
  5. Zaccaria Mr.Do! 8k

    Note: Last update to this overlay, I promise. I added the authentic Zaccaria Mr.Do! Instructions card. I restored a scan of it yesterday provided by Paul Swan. The old one on this overlay was a Universal instructions card that was altered to fit the Zaccaria Starsplash bezel that went with the Zaccaria Mr.Do! cabinets.


    Mr.Do! 1080 .png


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  6. The control panels in particular are of interest to me as I make vertical MAME overlays using cleaned up photos when I can't find suitable scans or making a vector is too difficult if the artwork is very detailed. Even high res photos of the bezels and marquees are useful. The higher resolution the better and photos taken similarly to the Asteroids Deluxe cpo you posted. 2160 pixels wide is usually the minimum I'll use for starters. I AI upscale some photos as well to get a better match with high res scans.

    Let us know when you share the cpo photos. Nice work.

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