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Posts posted by SkyHighGam3r

  1. On 2/3/2019 at 5:12 AM, DOS76 said:

    Unfortunately there isn't a better solution than manually editing them.

    As much as I hate resurrecting threads... I'm having this EXACT problem (Indiana Jones 3, Taito vs. Ubisoft)...

    How do you 'manually' edit these entries? I edit the Ubisoft entry, and change it to Ubisoft... and it changes the Taito entry as well. As mentioned, I can't uncheck the duplicates box for some reason. Changing one seems to change the other. I will happily fill in the information for them manually but... how? It seems like I am going in circles because I can't uncheck a box.

  2. I've been loving the feature where Launchbox syncs up with the online database. Providing proper info for a number of fields.

    I've noticed Launchbox renames media files based on what you enter into the 'edit' tool.
    What I'm wondering though is if there is a way to allow LaunchBox to rename the actual romfiles to match the database.

    I have a very large number of files that are incorrect enough I have to manually match them with the database, and I'd love to be able to let the tool rename the actual roms when I edit all the metadata.

    Alternatively, If this isn't possible, does anyone know a good way to do this?
    I'm a bit bothered by the idea that, should I lose the metadata for some reason or another, my roms will still be named incorrectly.

  3. Before you quickly hit the back button, let me explain a bit.
    Yes, I'm wanting to convert my HyperSpin themes - BUT - butbutbutbutbut...
    I'm not talking about the HyperSpin themes you see all over the internet with a thousand animations and noises and etc etc etc.

    This is what my theme set looks like - but there are NO ANIMATIONS, or at least I stripped out as many as I could in HyperSpin.

    I was very pleased to find that BigBox default theme isn't too dissimilar in style to what I've done with HS. There are some things I need help with though.

    1.) Main Menu Vertical Wheel.
    The "Platform Wheel 2" option is lovely as it looks very similar to my main menu.
    However, the wheel is curved instead of vertical, and the spacing is massive by comparison.

    2.) Main Menu Layout
    I absolutely love the layout with "Platform Wheel 2" with the singular exception being that the video is underneath the banner and details.
    I would like to flip them to be the other way around.

    3.) Main Menu Background.
    I thought this one would be easy but I'm at a loss.
    I want the use the same image seen in my preview here, behind every platform on the main menu.
    I don't want it animating at all, just that static image while everything in front moves.

    4.) Platform Layout
    Inside each platform is nigh perfection.
    However, like the main menu I really really want to flip it so the video and details are on top, and the wheel on the bottom.
    Would love the swap left-right with the video and details too.

    Are these kind of alterations possible? I don't mind learning some things to get it done, but I don't know what I'm doing at the moment.

    Any help is GREATLY appreciated.




  4. 4 hours ago, CriticalCid said:

    The good news is: You can also use your media from HyperSpin

    Your entire response was extremely helpful, thank you.
    This, more than anything though, saved me so much time and work.
    The fact I can, quite literally, have it both ways was enough to make me buy premium.
    That's just amazing.

    Thank you!

    • Game On 1
  5. I'm trying to wrap my head around the file/folder structure here. Let me give you an example.

    In my PlayStation list I have a game titled "1Xtreme". media download during import found everything without issue and downloaded what I needed.
    Now, in the display list it is showing the Boxart with it's original release art - that is to say, the tall box with the title "ESPN Xtreme Games".
    I would like it to display the revised art, a CD box with the title "1Xtreme" instead.

    I right-clicked on the game and went to "view images" which took me to the LaunchBox media folders, and immediately I see "1Xtreme-01.png". This is the exact file I want to show over the game.
    In a folder titled "North America" is "1Xtreme-01.jpg" which is the box-art being used that I don't want.

    Now, I'm confused on a couple things here, as looking through the folders there are numerous games with several flat 2D Boxart images. Many .jpg, many .png. Many of them showup in that base media "Box - Front" folder, as well as again in region based folders. I'm very much used to HyperSpin, where my setup was 1 boxart with a matching name - and nothing else.

    Maybe I'm using the downloader incorrectly, but is there a way to consolidate this media so I only have 1 version of each box-front image?
    How do I tell LaunchBox, for each individual game, which box-front image I want it to use? There are tons of games using that god awful "greatest hits" label stuff, even though the regular art is available instead.

    I'm playing around in the software, but I'm not seeing a place where I can use "Use this as default" or anything along those lines.

    I appreciate any information you guys can give me, as I'm scratching my head while poking around.

  6. Thank you! I had to play with it to see what you mean. It's not super intuitive haha - but that totally does the trick and I can use that as I go through my library. I appreciate your help!

  7. I'm used to doing everything manually in HyperSpin, so LaunchBox is like visiting an alien planet...
    For example... I have a game - you know it as "Brutal Unleashed: Above the Claw (USA)". "I" know it as "Brutal 2 - Unleashed - Above the Claw"
    Yes, I know, that's not the proper name. I also realize this gets in the way of LaunchBox automatically retrieving art assets.
    I'm fine with all of that, and the amount of work it will take to fix it.

    What I'm trying to figure out though, is how do I tell LaunchBox that I want this game to search for assets for "Brutal Unleashed: Above the Claw (USA)"?
    I can't imagine I absolutely HAVE to have things named down to perfection do I? That will mess up my library something fierce.

    Really appreciate any help you guys can give me.

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