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Posts posted by djm59

  1. Does not work 😢

    WinIpac.exe stays in memory :

    And another unwanted effect : DMDext (management of the DMD) keep the focus, and make the main executable in second plan. I must ALT+TAB to continue with it 😞

    My actuel AHK Script (it's for Pinball FX2) :

    ; Stop the actual DMD Display
    Run, "C:\Pixelcade\pixelcade-quit.exe", "C:\Pixelcade", Hide
    ; Switch control panel
    Run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinIPAC V2\WinIPAC.exe" "d:\Ipac2\PinballFX2.ipc", "d:\Ipac2\", Hide
    ; start the DMD for Pinball
    Run %ComSpec% /c "C:\DmdPinball\dmdext.exe mirror --source=pinballfx2 -q --no-virtual", "C:\DmdPinball\",Hide
    sleep, 4000 ;(wait 4 seconds)
    	; relaunch DMD   
    	Run, "C:\Pixelcade\pixelweb.exe", "C:\Pixelcade", Hide
    	; re swtich keyboard configuration
    	Run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinIPAC V2\WinIPAC.exe" "d:\Ipac2\Defaut.ipc", "d:\Ipac2\", Hide
    	 WinClose, ahk_exe {{{StartupEXE}}}

    i can not get the same resultat as my .bat file and i don't understand why 😢


  2. Thank you Joe,

    It's clear for me for the Escape section. All lines after may be not executed. 
    For the rest, i've to understand more, especially on the execution contexts.

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  3. Hello all,

    I'm a new user of Launchbox, using in the past some dedicated distributions like batocera.
    The migration from Batocera to Launchbox is coming with some improvments on my bartop :

    - a controler for the led of my buttons
    - a new keyboard controler for my control panel (joystick controler before)
    - a DMD in place of  the marquee (:p)

    For these, i have lot of commands to launch in scripts with my emulators.
    I tried to do the job with AutoHotKey script (Running script in the emulator panel) but i have some difficulties.

    For Exemple : For PinballFX2, i have this kind of script :

    ; Stop the actual DMD Display
    Run, "C:\Pixelcade\pixelcade-quit.exe", "C:\Pixelcade", Hide
    ; start the DMD for Pinball
    Run, "C:\Program Files\Creative Arts and Technology\Pixelcade Pinball Display\dmdext.exe" "mirror" "--source=pinballfx2" "-q" "--no-virtual", "C:\Program Files\Creative Arts and Technology\Pixelcade Pinball Display", Hide
    ; Switch control panel
    Run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinIPAC V2\WinIPAC.exe" "d:\Ipac2\PinballFX2.ipc", "d:\Ipac2\", Hide
       Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}}
    	; relaunch DMD
        Run, "C:\Pixelcade\pixelweb.exe", "C:\Pixelcade", Hide
    	; re swtich keyboard configuration
        Run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinIPAC V2\WinIPAC.exe" "d:\Ipac2\Defaut.ipc", "d:\Ipac2\", Hide

    It's not perfect, but working. 
    But when i have a look to the running process list when i'm starting/stoping a game, i see lot of "Winipac.exe" running, as if the executables remained in memory.
    and if the software needs a console (like dmdext), it can have negative effects on startup, such as not supporting command line parameters.
    (i hope to make myself understood, i am French and my English is average :s )

    To prevent this, i'm using Batch script in place of my emulator. Always in the same exemple : i'm using pinballfx2.bat instead of "pinball fx2.exe" with this content : 

    @echo off
    rem switch Keyboard
    call "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinIPAC V2\WinIPAC.exe" "d:\Ipac2\PinballFX2.ipc"
    rem remove standard DMD Display
    call "C:\Pixelcade\pixelcade-quit.exe"
    rem load the DMD for Pinball
    cd /d C:\DmdPinball
    start /min dmdext.exe mirror --source=pinballfx2 --no-virtual -q --fps 60
    cd /D "D:\Games\Pinball FX2\"
    rem Launch Main Executable with good table
    call "D:\Games\Pinball FX2\Pinball FX2.exe" %1
    rem switch standard settings for control panel
    call "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinIPAC V2\WinIPAC.exe" "d:\Ipac2\Defaut.ipc"
    rem reload standard DMD
    start /min cmd /c "C:\Pixelcade\pixelweb.exe"
    exit 0

    It's working better, no zombie process running, and the job is done.

    I have the impression of not understanding someting and doing "old school" work.
    Can someonehelp me on AHK,so that i can correct my problem ?

    Many thanks.






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