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Posts posted by H_a_a_k_o_n

  1. Hi,

    I just wants to give a big "Thank you!" for Zombeaver for publishing this officially. I have tried for 20 years to find a sutiable way of playing my old C64 games. But having a real C64 or a dedicated PC with Gamebase64 have just been collecting dust. Its to much "work" when you just wants to plays a short game, and when you get older your time to fiddle get shorter.

    This solution you have made is really, really user friendly. Beeing soon in my 50ies i had a blast playing Boulderdash with my son yesterday. And almost just "plug and play".

    You should really look into Commodore Amiga too (and Whdload). Doing the same setup there would craft a large crowd there too.

    If you have a "donate" button i really would like to donate, if that is allowed. I feel like a free passenger; and would only be sign of appreciation for all your time you have put into this.

    Best regards, Haakon.

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