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Posts posted by Antropus

  1. I understand that Launchbox downloads new images from the database straight to any folder you define, correct?
    If I remember correctly, images I drag-dropped from a browser into the edit window/image were correctly copied into my Mame\Flyers folder, so I know it works just fine.
    Lightspeed was designed to be a straight forward importer, using MAME's own folders do import large libraries into Launchbox, thus, consolidating images across the board, because it just makes no sense to have the same images saved into multiple paths, IMHO.

    I do have multiple FEs, MameUI, Multiple versions of MAME and Launchbox, all pointing to the exact same image folders when it comes to arcades, but even for consoles, with the integration of MESS into MAME, I'm running several console systems and using artwork widely available in the form of Software Lists packages for MAME.

    It might be convenient from your point of view of developing and managing, so I understand your reasons, but it's definitely not a flexible approach if you are expecting users to use LB's folders to save their artwork at all times :)

    What I am gathering is that maybe there's another reason other than portability and I believe it has to do with LaunchBox's DB.
    I remember reading posts in the past and concerns were raised about the possible consequences of adding images from other sources into the LaunchBox DB, like the possibility of having people downloading stuff from Emumovies and uploading them into Launchbox DB.

    Then some posts about the intention to have people's libraries all connected to the DB, so they can upload/download artwork.

    If that's the case, that you are trying to keep the DB clean from contamination of images coming from other sources, other than produced by users, then I understand your concern :)
    As a regular Joe here though, I download images from any source that has them available (and there are many) and I believe other people do the same :D


  2. 15 hours ago, SpaceMidget75 said:

    @Antropus Just one quick point, in case you wasn't aware. Cleaning up the images in LB actually deletes the original images from the MAME extras folders. Bleeding obvious that it would when you think about it, but also a problem given that people tend to get their MAME artwork from outside of LB which means torrenting them down again. Wonder if it might be better to copy the artwork required for the custom list to a folder specifically for use in LB? Takes up more space, but at least it keeps peoples MAME data safe.

    Just a thought.

    Oh man! That's dangerous!!! MAME has its own structure and as you said, people download very large torrents to get all those extras in place. In my opinion Launchbox should not remove files outside of its own structure.

    Any cleanup process started within Launchbox, in my opinion, should only affect files within Launchbox's own folder, unless a very big "WARNING!" popup is used, explaining clearly what's about to happen, followed by at least one confirmation window, to make sure the user knows what's about to happen.

    I used similar messages and warning for the move roms feature in Lightspeed.

    @Jason Carr, can you help with this? I understand your philosophy about keeping everything in relative paths under LB for portability. It works great for many systems, but when it comes to MAME and MESS (Software Lists), they already have their own structures and all major torrents respect that. There are over 100.000 games potentially supported by the current MAME and mirroring the artwork+videos between people's collections and Launchbox might not be an option for some people, especially those using small SSD drives to store things for extra performance. 

    Extra warnings or simply constraining any file removal to Launchbox's own folder should solve the problem.



  3. If the new XMLs were the only problem I would be done by now! :)
    The program as you know it is no longer, so I'm not updating that last version you guys are using. It's a brand new program at this point.
    There were so many major changes that happened while I was transitioning into something more flexible, powerful and faster, that those new changes just add up to the insane amount of work necessary for me to get this rolling.
    The entire Launchbox module was broken after that first transition, for example. Yesterday I managed to at least get it to work, although not perfectly yet.

    There are many things pending, including refining the logic for a great number of new possible filters. What's already working as well, is a scan done over good part of the artwork folders at startup, which takes just a few seconds, so when your list is populated you have the exact idea of what artwork you currently have and what' missing. With that, I can now write something to export missing/haves, by artwork type, as lists, making it easier for anyone to complete their artwork collections.
    There's also a new search tool which accepts unlimited number of parameters, so you can easily find games by a certain or multiple manufacturers, for example.

    The next version will include many new features and the intention is to make it an all-in-one list generator to basically replace RomLister all together, exporting lists to all major FEs. But the most ambitious part is to make it into a cross-FE list mixer, meaning that once it's done, you should be able to import lists from all major front-ends, re-filter if necessary, blend them together and spit a new list to any FE of your choice. That way, people with libraries already set in other FEs should be able to load their lists, mix them all and generate a new Launchbox list for example.

    But that will only happen when I have the time to sit my butt and do it, which is rare these days :)

    About the speed, I wasn't referring to importing the games. That should be fast either way.
    It's more about the performance I'm getting in my machine once in BigBox, with thousands of games in my library. The artwork loads a little sluggish for me compared to what I am used to seeing in my old setup.

    About the code itself, I'm not actually a coder per se. I'm just a curious hobbyist :)
    I got into developing my own tools once I started using Autohotkey to setup my arcade machine. I then started learning more and more about it, especially when it comes to handling of files and compared arrays, to the point that the entire program is written in Autohotkey script language, so not sure how that code would be useful in the context of Launchbox, but once I have everything in place (one day), documented and clean, understandable code, I will have no problem opening it up to any programmer with Autohotkey knowledge so we can eventually make it better.



    • Like 4
  4. Jason, man, you are doing an INCREDIBLE job with it and nothing comes close in features. I apologize for anything I said that might had sounded harsh! Not the intention at all. In this quest to get multiple systems through mame/mess, as the library grows, speed becomes a problem, but might be my own setup (which will be updated soon).

    It's WAY faster to launch now, but to load thousands of flyers it's quite slow in my machine.

    My main concern is really the structural changes, as I trust you when it comes to optimizations.

    You are the man, Jason, so don't get bummed with anything I said.

    We both just have to learn how not to say yes to every single feature requests we get :P


    • Like 1
  5. Not so fast! I am very busy at the moment, but I didn't completely quit yet ;)

    I started expanding the program months ago and adapting the exporter to work with most front-ends took no time at all. When it comes to Launchbox though, that's where most of the code is, because everything is very complicated when it comes to the way it handles xml files. Things like custom ID numbers for games, platforms and emulators plus the huge amount of artwork paths and also the constant changes are just too much to deal with at the moment.

    The program needs to be stable enough for me to get excited about coding to support it again.

    When all the new artwork paths were added, that involved a good deal of rework on my side. Now the whole xml split that just changed *everything* in the way Lightspeed was designed to work.

    It is hard enough to chase the constant changes happening with Mame, including changes in the xml file structure, so I don't want to spend precious time chasing Launchbox as it evolves, at the risk of transforming this little project into a full time job to maintain.

    So I rather wait until the foundation is solid, especially what concerns to the xml structure, the heart of Lightspeed.

    I tested the newest stable and beta versions yesterday and the amount of new features is outstanding, but that has a price and it is performance. I'm running it on an i7 with 24GB of RAM and my tests exporting multi-thousand games to it made it very slow to operate and load images. Great as a catalogue for a collector as myself, but slow as a front end when it comes to very large collections.

    For speed/simplicity/look, I'm liking Attract-mode FE quite a lot, but I'm hopeful that once Launchbox gets its foundation in place and gets more speed improvements in the next versions I will be back at developing my little tool further, as Launchbox is by far the best tool for cataloguing, but not yet the most zippy FE to put in my arcade machine, unfortunately.

    Not Jason's fault at all. He is just trying to implement all changes requested by users, that keep coming non-stop. I'm just afraid that in his quest to implement all those suggestions and make everyone happy, Launchbox/Bigbox will become too bloated to execute as a front-end without sacrificing performance. I really hope it's not the case!

    Once those big structural changes stop and speed improves, then I will make time to adapt it to work with the newest versions of Launchbox. Sorry for now guys :-/


  6. Thanks for the quick reply Jason and great job on everything! I can't wait to go back to emulation, as soon as things are better handled at home :)
    I will download the new version and see the current state of things. Is there any specific thread about the plans for the new XML structure or things are being discussed in this one only?


  7. Hi Jason,

    Still no plans for when I will be able to get back to my list generator, but I just watched the video about the XML split and that got me excited :)

    It's incredibly easy to program to spit lists to a vast range of front-ends from my little app. Launchbox makes things much more complex because all the nuts and bolts that are in the very same xml.
    So I am excited about this new development and curious about how that will affect and hopefully simplify the way Lightspeed generates lists and import games!
    In other FEs all I need to do is to generate a xml list and the FE will simply load it and all games will be available. Is that your plan? To have a XML file containing just the games/systems and it will basically be plug and play? Are you still keeping that unique identifier for each game or planning to remove that as well? Sorry for all the questions :)

    So rare for me to post anything in any forum these days, but again, that possibility got me excited! :)

    • Like 1
  8. Sorry for the lack of replies guys! Here's my post on another thread, so you guys are aware of what's going on!



    What a mess! :)
    I'm sorry for the inconvenience, guys. Between revamping the program almost completely and waiting for structural changes to Launchbox (folders etc) to get more stable, I put this project aside for a while.

    Then I started doing a major remodel in our kitchen and living room, so I've been busy building and painting cabinets, installing molding, doing demolition, installing tiles etc, as a one man crew while my wife watches the kids.
    On top of that, I'm co-supervising the current show I'm working on, so between home remodel, professional work and family, I've got absolutely zero time for anything else, including my hobbies :/
    I don't even know when was the last time I turned on my arcade or pinball machines. But hey, anything to make my boss (aka wife) happy!!! :P

    Jason, I think you should remove the link from the program. I mean, I really appreciate it, but this will work against you if it's partially broken, so feel free to do anything you need to do!
    Seems like there are already nice videos about how to import everything using Launchbox only and I really don't want to hold people back while they wait.

    I will get back to it eventually (I actually miss working on it), but the future is uncertain and the house remodel will surely take months to complete as I'm doing everything by myself.

    Sorry guys and thank you for the interest! :)


    Real life gets busy sometimes :/

    • Like 1
  9. What a mess! :)
    I'm sorry for the inconvenience, guys. Between revamping the program almost completely and waiting for structural changes to Launchbox (folders etc) to get more stable, I put this project aside for a while.

    Then I started doing a major remodel in our kitchen and living room, so I've been busy building and painting cabinets, installing molding, doing demolition, installing tiles etc, as a one man crew while my wife watches the kids.
    On top of that, I'm co-supervising the current show I'm working on, so between home remodel, professional work and family, I've got absolutely zero time for anything else, including my hobbies :/
    I don't even know when was the last time I turned on my arcade or pinball machines. But hey, anything to make my boss (aka wife) happy!!! :P

    Jason, I think you should remove the link from the program. I mean, I really appreciate it, but this will work against you if it's partially broken, so feel free to do anything you need to do!
    Seems like there are already nice videos about how to import everything using Launchbox only and I really don't want to hold people back while they wait.

    I will get back to it eventually (I actually miss working on it), but the future is uncertain and the house remodel will surely take months to complete as I'm doing everything by myself.

    Sorry guys and thank you for the interest! :)


  10. knewlife said 1) Can this app produce a HyperSpin compatible database with the same settings I use to import the games to Launchbox (so bot Front-Ends have the same games)?
    Yes. You can filter things with Lightspeed until you are happy with your list, then you can export the exact same list to multiple front-ends, including Launchbox and Hyperspin, so both will have the exact same games. If you already have a hyperspin database though, as it seems to be the case, there's a trick you can use to create a filter from that, but you will need to create a text file containing a simple list of the rom names. Once you have that file, you can temporarily removed the contents of the "All killer" folder and drop in this new file you just created and then activate the All Killer filter. That way, a custom filter matching your custom list will be created and only the games in that list will be imported. It's a cheat, but it works.
    knewlife said 2) Can this app use the zipped MAME extras that is used in the lastest mame version to populate Launchbox?
    It can use any local artwork you might have, but they have to be unzipped first. After unzipping them to their respective folders, simply point Lightspeed to those folders and all images should be imported into Launchbox.
    If the app can do both of this actions and also do his own job (import the games I want to Launchbox) that will be perfect :)
    If I understood correctly, it should do it. You will also get some very complete, selective metadata and all games should be ready to be played once in Launchbox, with no additional setup needed. A point to note: I'm currently revamping the whole app. One of the biggest new features will be the "List Mixer". Imagine that you use a front-end like Atomic in one machine, for example, but you also use hyperspin running on a second machine and you want to merge both lists and then create matching lists for both front-ends. The detail is, Hyperspin carries a lot more information, like manufacturer, year etc, while Atomic only carries the name of the ROM. With this new version, no matter what front-end you are using, you will be able to import a list from it and instead of simply importing the info available in the list, Lightspeed will populate all the missing fields, using the information from all possible sources and will create a complete list, including all kinds of information about the game. This way, you will be able to merge Atomic with Hyperspin with Attract-mode, with Launchbox for example and export this mixed list back to all of them or to different front-ends if you wish. I'm excited about this feature myself and I think this will do EXACTLY what you are looking for and more. It will take me some time to conclude all the new code though, but it's happening. Cheers, -Kris
  11. @quazl, thank you so much for taking the time and explaining your workflow! It looks like it's indeed related to the relative paths I introduced a few versions back, based on a request by Jason. Seems like my implementation doesn't work as well if both launchbox and mame have the same folder as a parent, as it seems. I compiled a custom version for you to try. This one should use only absolute paths, as it was some time ago. Please extract it to your Lightspeed folder and run this .exe instead. The paths should be absolute now, so this *might* take care of your problems. Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B23vaxsfSk1yZlkzNDRkRkhDSms Please test and report. Thanks! -Kris
  12. Here's an important announcement I posted the other day in other forums:
    Based on those feature requests and some other requests I'm gathering from other forums, I think the current format is kinda exhausted, unfortunately. I thought I could keep it simple enough, but we need more features. There are things that I wish I could add here, but the format is not helping. The program was started as a fast way to help Launchbox users to import their collections and because of that it carries a lot of unnecessary legacy code at this point and it's just not as flexible as it needs to be. For this reason I decided to stop the updates on this format for now and concentrate on merging this program with my previously unreleased one, that in fact carries a lot of the features people mentioned. For example: - You can import lists - You can merge lists - You can audit many artwork folders - You have visual feedback for artwork and game status - It has a built-in rating system. - It has a more robust, faster way to filter lists - Built-in, ultra fast search - Easily merge results from any list into your final list - Resizable GUI This transition will take me some time, but I think it's worthy on the long run, because at the end you will get the best solution available, which will still combine the Wizard mentality with a very robust list manager.
    So, I might still update this format if something is found to be a major bug, otherwise I will keep working on this migration process, which is kinda big. Here's a preview of what Lightspeed will look like in the next update. Bear in mind that the GUI is in progress and everything is a little temporary: LSwip1.pngLSwip2.png At this point, here are some highlights of the current progress: - I'm now generating my own database file (it will come packaged with Lightspeed). This file can be re-create every time you update MAME and run the -listxml command. Thanks to this, the XML file dropped from 182Mb to mere 10Mb. - Thanks to the above, the filters are now REALLY fast. I'm using a different approach for parsing as well and the speed difference when it comes to filtering got 100%-130% faster! - Super fast search engine. Search ANY number of strings, separated by ",",";" or "|". You can search by description, rom name, year or manufacturer at this point, but I will add a way to search anywhere as well - "&" Ampersand characters now show correctly - There are now 6 different listviews: Full List, Parents, Clones, Search, Filtered and Output. The first 3 never change and are there as data sources only. You will be able to select any number of rows and sent those games to the output list with a single click. The " Filtered" list will show just the results of any filtering you do. You can then bulk add this list to the output list or selectively do so. Thesearch listview will contain the results of your searches. As with the other lists, you can select any number of games and send those to the output list as you wish. The output list is what you will get when exporting. You can remove games from it or send games from other lists into it at any given time. - You can launch games from any list. Simply double-click a game and it will launch the game through MAME, no matter which list you are at. - Lightspeed is smart enough to remove any duplicates, so you can add games from any list right into your output list without any concern and if any entry is found to be duplicated, the duplicates will be removed - Added all other MAME artwork folders. All those folders are being parsed on startup every time you open Lightspeed, so it will list all the artwork you have and everything missing as well, which can be later on exported as missing/have lists. It's a fast process and it's already included in the 6-7 seconds that takes for the whole program to load. - Added the arcade machine artwork, which supports snap and marquee preview A lot left to do, but I will get there. Cheers, -Kris
  13. kmoney2315 said Thanks so much..that worked like a charm. You really have such an awesome tool here and we are all very fortunate that you developed this and let the community use it!
    I'm glad I can help somehow. Thank you so much for your kind words!
    Drybonz said I went to the Maximus Arcade forums and read some people saying that the converter would not work unless they had it in the exact same folder with the .lst or .txt file they were trying to convert. So, I moved my converter into the same folder as the lightspeed.txt file and it worked perfectly the first time. So, that is all straightened out now.
    So glad to know! I will change the program to advise the user about this. Thank you so much for investigating and reporting and I'm glad things worked out now!
    quazl said Once I load up Launchbox and sync metadata and images, I have new directories on my "D:" drive. What could I possibly be doing wrong?
    I really want to help you to solve any problems you might have, but I must confess that I need to know what your plan is first :) What you mean by "sync metadata and images"? The way Lightspeed works is by using images already present in your system, parsing them and adding all the necessary metadata, which is in fact more complete than the metadata coming from the database. Do you have all the images already in your system or you are planning to download the images using Launchbox? Is that what you mean when you say "sync metadata and images"? There's a website from where you can download all necessary MAME artwork at once (cannot post the link here, sorry). If you download the artwork package from there, then you can simply point Lightspeed to those folders and everything should be imported for you, including all images and metadata and you should be all set to go! There are many changes happening on Launchbox right now when it comes to image folders, so I'm not even sure what's going on now on that front. Once those features are locked, then I can update Lightspeed to reflect them. Let me know. I really want to make sure things work for you! -Kris
  14. kmoney2315 said I was wondering if there was a way to properly import the Sega Model 2 games only into its own platform with this tool?
    Yes you can! 1) Close LaunchBox 2) Set all your filters and please remember to check "Not-working" as well. You need to do this because Sega Model 2 games are not playable in MAME yet (or are they? Not sure about changes in the latest versions). 3) Go to the Platform Tab and uncheck all checkboxes, then check ONLY the one below "Platform from Driver". Keep "Lock Emulator" checked as well. 4) From the dropdown menu right by "Platform from Driver", select "model2.cpp". A name will be populated "Model2". This is the name of the desired platform, so change it as you wish. 5) Under Export, click "Filter!". You should now see only Sega Model 2 games listed. 6) Select Launchbox for the Format to be exported and verify if the path to your launchbox.xml is correct. 7) Click "Go!". 8) Re-open Launchbox and you should see a new platform containing all Sega Model 2 games. If by any chance the list is not populated when you hit "Filter!", try changing some filters, as some might be preventing those games from showing up. -Kris
  15. quazl said 3. Imported Mame 174 roms with all default settings into launchbox
    Did you import those ROMS using Launchbox instead of Lightspeed? If so, then this might be the problem. What happens is that Lightspeed, at this point, is projected to be used as the main importer for Mame. It doesn't verify if something was already imported by Launchbox itself and uses a hard-coded key to define the MAME platform.
    quazl said 9. Filtered and exported. 10. 2667 Roms 11. Open Launchbox 12. 3247 games
    If I understood correctly, you are importing ROMS twice, once using Launchbox and then using Lightspeed, so now you have a platform created by Launchbox with one ID number and another created by Lightspeed with another ID number. Lightspeed can verify and bypass already present games, but that only works if you always import MAME roms through Lightspeed, instead of Launchbox. Could you please post a screenshot showing your platforms? Also, could you please send me your launchbox.xml file so I can verify? Thanks! -Kris
  16. rmilyard said So how do I keep Lightspeed from having LB get all my media and placing it in the MAME folder now? I rather it still be where LB does it as to keep all my media files together in same place.
    Not sure if I understand your question. You need to tell Lightspeed where your media is. Lightspeed doesn't download media, but rather uses media already stored in your computer. No matter if you are keeping it inside of the Launchbox folder or in the MAME installation folder, you can simply browse for those folders in the Paths tab, set all paths in there and everything should be imported automatically for you (considering you already have all your media stored locally): paths1.jpg On a side note, I understand the concept of having all artwork and ROMS stored inside of the LaunchBox folder, for portability, but this applies to less complicated emulators. When it comes to MAME though, I would strongly encourage people to keep everything stored inside of the MAME folder, ROMS and artwork. It's a standard that is being used for many years now and I don't think it should be changed just to conform to a particular front-end's philosophy. My 2 cents.
  17. Sorry for the lack of replies. Bed sick the whole day with a stomach virus :-/ I tested the Maximus Arcade exporter and everything went fine. A .LST file was generated in the very same folder from where I dragged the .txt from. I think you will need to investigate your setup, because seems like you are having trouble with processes that create files in your computer or at least in this hard drive. Permission related, anti-virus related, something like that. The fact that you could not even generate the listxml was pretty telling, now you cannot convert the txt. Not sure if I can do much from my side at this point. If someone else could run the same test, like, generate a Maximus list and convert it, that would be a good test to see if it happens in other setups as well. About the dropdown switching back to Maximus after exporting to Launchbox, it doesn't really work like that. Launchbox is the only one that auto-sets the path, because it extracts it from the path you already had set in the program. Maximus can be anywhere in your hard drive, so there's not an easy way for me to track that path down and repopulate, so you need to set it manually. I do get the message "Conversion Complete!" in the Maximus List Converter tool: maximusexporter.jpg -Kris
  18. Do you REALLY think you are so incredibly important that I posted my last comment as a "rebuttal" to you????? What a stretch... My last post was simply to add some information to this thread, instead of the mess you are turning this into. Positive reviews are the VAST majority when it comes to the public who watched it. Look around. Read a little. Watch reviews on youtube. To criticize and pick apart the hard work done by others is the easiest thing to do. It's the coward thing to do. Nothing positive comes out of it. To be frank, I can't care less about your attempt to dismantle a thread that simply started out of excitement, for the experience itself and the pride that all involved felt after seeing it in the big screen and yes, you sound exactly like a troll. I was trying to share the experience with people that might have been turned off because the reviews written by a bunch of snobs. You must have a ton of free time in your hands, derailing a simple thread, feeling like I owe you an answer for every single question you might have. Guess what? Have a blast talking to yourself, because seems like you love the sound of your own voice (or your own typing). I don't owe you any explanation and I just hate when someone quotes every single phrase someone writes, just to pick apart an argument that never was. I would sincerely love to spend time going point after point and writing a complete review about why I liked the movie, but that would be with someone I believed to be worth of my time or to whom I established some level of respect with, which is not the case here. You came up with an overly aggressive tone from the get go, just making me incredibly uninterested in anything you might have to say from that point on. If you are that open minded, just know that you are terrible at starting a real, productive discussion, if that's how you approach them every time. Your tone will push people away, but maybe that's what you do in life or what you enjoy doing. It's your choice. I'll simply not spent any more time with someone who calls himself "open-minded" yet says that didn't watch it and has no interest in watching it, while demanding answers from someone who did watch and did like it. No contradiction here at all... Go on now, quote every two other words I just wrote and have a blast. This is your circus now, so don't worry, I will not interrupt your incredibly "enlightening" thought process. Fascinating thread this turned out to be. I cannot wait for the next one you hijack.
  19. Drybonz said Ok, so I deleted everything and started fresh with version .7j, and the filter list was generated first try and export to LB appears to have been flawless, so that is great news.
    Great to know it worked!
    When I change the export box to Maximus Arcade, the Lightspeed.txt is generated, however when I drag it on the Maximus converter box no .lst file is created that I can see.
    The Maximus Arcade converter should give a little message at the bottom of the GUI, saying is the file was exported or not. Does it report as exported? I'm not at home at the moment, but I'm almost completely positive that the .LST is generated in the very same folder where the .txt was.
    *edit* At a glance, the "all killer" list is looking like a solid place to start for people that just want to set up MAME quickly and play some good games.
    It really is helpful, although I like importing everything that works and no clones, about 2667 games. I like playing random, shitty ones from time to time :)
  20. From a fan over FB:
    David Simon GO SEE WARCRAFT!! Warcraft was AMAZING. But do you see a hilarious trend here?? Rotten Tomatoes; 25% 112 CRITIC viewers liked Warcraft, rating is 4/10. 82% of 35,329 AUDIENCE viewers liked Warcraft, rating is 4.2/5 or 8.4/10. MetaCritic; 32/100 based on 38 CRITIC ratings, but an 8.7/10 or 87/100 based on 405 AUDIENCE ratings. IMDB; 7.8/10 based on 42,513 AUDIENCE ratings. So who's opinion is more valid?? 150 movie snobs who blast anything that isn't part of the Lord of the Rings, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, or Marvel franchises?? Or 78,247 regular movie-goers like you or me who can appreciate a good movie without having to rip it apart because it's something different!? It's clear that professional critics have a very strong bias against Warcraft. Is it because they're too stuck up to admit that Warcraft broke the curse of bad video game movies? (In fact, it isn't even a video game movie, it's based on a universe complete with books, graphic novels, short stories, animated shorts, comics, manga and more.) Is it maybe because critics, like wine snobs, think that only the most elite and cream of the crop franchises deserve good ratings? I don't know, but I learned a long time ago to not trust movie critics alone. Stop letting stuck up critics dictate what you should or should not like!! Go to a theater and see Warcraft and formulate your own opinion! Lok'tar Ogar! Victory or death! #Warcraft #WarcraftMovie #WorldOfWarcraft #Legendary
  21. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and I really don't want to spend any more time discussing why and what. It's a thread about encouraging people to watch a movie that is just plain fun entertainment, instead of relying on others to make up their own minds. You are entitled to your own opinion as well, that you made sure to exhaust over this thread that's clearly not for you, so why bother? Go outside, breath some fresh air, smell some flowers, snuggle with a puppy :)
  22. I agree. People should watch and make up their own minds. Following others and their own biases and personal taste is giving up your own mental ability to discern. I do take in account the box office success though, because that's what I do for a living and if the movie does well, then I will probably be able to work on a sequel and this kind of movie is a blast to work on ;) Did you watch it? Planning to?
  23. I decided to give priority to this version so you guys can test: Latest Version: Beta v0.7j Updated on: 6/14/2016 Self-extract: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B23vaxsfSk1yWjdXNlBoaTgwcUU Zip: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B23vaxsfSk1yaDB1MHFPQjVPVzA - Added preliminary backwards compatibility with older MAME versions. The oldest I could find for download was 0.100b, so I tested with it. Make sure to point to your older mame.exe and then update your xml file by clicking on "Mame -listxml", under options. The catch is, not everything is hooked up just yet, so unless you check all the "unknown" checkboxes on both FiltersA and FiltersB tabs, you will not be able to see anything parsed if you are using an older MAME version! - Preliminary compatibility with the latest changes on Launchbox images folder structure. Images should now be parsed just like before and this should also maintain backwards compatibility with previous versions of Launchbox - Speed improvements. A complete list (36445 entries) can now be parsed in about 21 seconds in my machine, compared to about 72 seconds in Romlister. Considering that there are many other filters being used, this was quite a bit of a boost, reflected in all parsing methods from now on. - List can now be matched against the Icons folder as well (in preparation for a new feature requested by John IV) - Eliminated the need of ControlsButtons.ini. Thinking about backwards compatibility with older MAME versions in the future, the controls are now being parsed on the fly, with no significant hit in performance - Added an "Expand Tabs" checkbox under the export tab, so you can toggle to see all the information parsed under the hood. As usual, backup your files, test and report anything funky :) @rmilyard, seems like the option to use Launchbox to force using MAME metadata is not present when you use Tootls > Download Metadata and Images for games already in your library, but it's present when you use Tools > Import > Rom Files In this case I'm not sure how to tell Launchbox to force games already imported to be considered MAME games. I will need to think about this. I would strongly encourage you to download the artwork packs for mame though, so you can have them available at all times, instead of relying on downloads in the future. Lightspeed was projected to be used in this situation and does a great job with it! -Kris
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