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Posts posted by dragon57

  1. I do have to say, I'm a novice at RocketLauncher and haven't had any issue getting it going and integrating LaunchBox with it. The RocketLauncher Wiki is pretty complete, plus their forums are a big help if you hit a snag. Now that I have it running, I wouldn't go back.

  2. Excellent! I'm glad you got it working. Odd errors like that almost always point to corruption of a file, or two. If nothing comes to mind as to how this happened, you may want to keep a check in the Event Viewer of Windows for disk related errors. You may have a hard drive getting ready to die.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Hmm, I know what it means, but that error makes no sense in context with MAME specifically. That ahk library is used across other emulator modules as well.

    Are you using the latest RocketLauncher code? Have you tried forcing an update so you are assured the RocketLauncher files are all correct?

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, donarumo said:

    Thought I would ask here since people here are fairly knowledgeable.  Every torrent I download from pleasuredome stalls and the tracker shows as not working?  Torrents from other sites download and seed without issue but pleasuredome torrents all fail.  I'm using qbTorrent specifically.  I've found a couple of forum hits via google discussing similar issues but changing settings they recommend such as turning off cache don't seem to have an affect.  Anyone have something similar happen or know a fix?  It's not a big deal, I can wait until eXo uploads to other locations.

    Do you happen to be using the latest version of qBittorrent? I had all kinds of issues with any version of 4.x. I rolled back to 3.3.16 and all was good again.

  5. 2 minutes ago, eXo said:

    I think Dan is looking for something that shows the game cover, game back, media, screen shot, game title, etc... That example doesn't seem to show any of the above other than the game title or gameplay shot.


    eg: the game list is small and the rest of the page is devoted to art assets and game details.

    Oh, I totally agree. I just wanted to detail out the settings in case he and others didn't know about them. A BigBox custom theme is the best way to go, IMO.

  6. 7 hours ago, Dan said:

    While we're waiting, it would be an opportune time to mention MEAGRE again - the original frontend for the eXoDOS collection. I'm glad that the collection is moving to a more modern, flexible and active platform, though MEAGRE was quite well suited for this particular use. It is able to show a number of images simultaneously when selecting a game, such as front box art, rear box art, title screen, game screenshot, CD/disk art etc, as well as game information at the bottom of the screen. This is a great way to delve into the game and be immersed in all the available media for maximum retro effect. 

    I don't know if Launchbox can replicate this kind of view - I suppose it would have to be in BigBox and them with a custom theme. I had asked a question elsewhere on these forums regarding viewing all this good art/media in the game details pane within Launchbox (not BigBox). I have not yet had any replies to that question; I wonder if someone here could humour me and post a reply. 

    I will say you can get close to this in LaunchBox by changing the view type to 'List View' and then turning on 'Game Details'. Once the metadata has been imported and the image files are put in place, that combination of settings gets you a look like this: (see attached picture).


  7. 1 hour ago, Jason Carr said:

    There could be an issue with duplicate games, but if you close LaunchBox, and then put your images in the right folders and name them correctly, then they should show up for that game the next time you run the app without issues. We know that works properly because if it didn't we'd have everyone all up in arms. You may need to go to Tools > Refresh Images in order to get them to show up if you add them into the folders manually.

    For what it is worth, I do this all the time with no issues. I add images to the filesystem and by using the Edit function for single games. I can't think of anything that would keep this from working unless the names of the images just didn't match the rom name. Even then, the name doesn't have to be exact. LB has the ability to parse some image names and give you a good result.

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