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Posts posted by rubenjavier

  1. yeah, pretty sure, it didnt allowme to download until I configured my Emumovies account, the test connection with Emumovies was ok, and the app even looks like its downloading, but nothing shows up in the LaunchBox folder,  and no videos are played as result. The logs actualy says it finished downloading the media, but the xml shows the boolean for video downloaded as false.

    Im thinking that maybe its something  with my folder location (inside the Android/data/appfolder/files ), but the images do downloaded correctly (with the stable version)

  2. 2 hours ago, Jason Carr said:

    Hey all, I have LaunchBox for Android 1.0-beta-1 out today with the following:

    • Support for gameplay videos has been added! They can be downloaded from EmuMovies via the Download Missing Media option or exported from your desktop collection.

    • A new option to enable hardware decoding for VLC video playback is available in the Options screen; however, some devices have stability issues with it, so you may need to turn it back off if you experience crashes

    • A new Background Fade option is available in the Wheel with Details and Text List with Details view settings that allow you to control how dark the background video or background image is

    • New Background Video and Stretch Background Video options are available in the Wheel with Details and Text List With Details view settings

    • Performance on lower-end devices (such as the Nvidia Shield) is much improved during navigation

    This release is of course the videos release. Currently in beta 1, only background videos are supported, and only in the Wheel with Details and Text List with Details games views. Further options and views surrounding the videos are coming, of course. This beta should be perfectly usable with gameplay videos in your games lists, assuming you like the background videos approach.

    We do need as much testing on this as possible, as obviously adding videos is a major change that will need a lot of testing. Also note that you can now using the latest beta (12.6-beta-1) of the desktop app to export videos from your desktop collection, or you can download them from EmuMovies on your device.

    Let me know how everything goes. :)

    Just updated and tried the video download function, ,y EmuMovies account conect and the log says it finished downloading medie, but no movies nor movies folder its created. Where should this files must appear?, what would be the name of the folder?. Im using a custom directory inside my SD in Android/data/unbroken_software_app_directory/files/LaunchBox and image download its working fine so its not a permission problem


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  3. Hello @Jason Carr, I recently purchased the android forever license

    would it be possible to add an option on the specific rom menu to rescrape its data?

    I've re-scraped the same romset numerous times and every time it gives me different banners and boxes for some of the roms, sometimes japanese and other european, even in spanish. Im using the No-Intro roset that add at the end the country [for example "Adventure Island (USA).zip" ], this is happening in various romsets like GB GBA, NES.

    Another request, in case its possible, to add a "Force X region", besides the priority region, Im used to use Skrapper and its more consistent in this when you want a region.

    Thanks in advance,

    Best regards and keep up the good work.


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