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MEAGRE games list and Launchbox


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Good morning all i have a little problem, after install correctly all the dos games trought "export to launchbox" from meagre, set correctly images and video, i see that on meagre the list of games is 5193 , but in launchbox only 5049 :( there is a way for fix? Second point, there is a way to setup launchbox to launch directly the program meagre.exe? cause i really love the vintage mode of meagre ^^ thanks a lot
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I don't know why Meagre didn't import all of your games, but I do know that the importer is being tweaked for existing installs from eXo and the original dev. Past that, from what I know, Meagre is no longer in active development. The creator of the pack I am assuming you have, eXo, is also potentially working on moving over to using LaunchBox instead. So, while the Dev of Meagre and eXo are here on the forums, and maybe they can shed some extra light on this for you, I don't know for how much longer utilizing this method will be supported for. If you know the list of games that didn't import, you can import them manually through LaunchBox, or you can run the DOS Importer as well. Personally, I extracted all the zips in to their own folders, then made sure to check the box "Use Folder name" as the Rom name, which used the name used by the zip files (the folders it created were named this as well), and it imported just fine. The importer is not as perfect unfortunately as we best guess which exe or bat to choose from, but they're easily editable when you want to play a game if one doesn't work. If a game comes with a pre-configured conf file, you can also edit that specific game to make use of the custom conf file. So some things aren't done automatically, but it's totally doable if you make the desired edits as you want to play a game. It takes less than a min. usually to make the manual edits. I know that may not be the answers you necessarily wanted to hear, so hopefully someone else has specific answers, but that is my suggestion to work around it.
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