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23 Screenshots

About This File

Playtime is a modern theme designed mostly to Showcase the new Game Discovery Center! 
Think of it like a Netflix For Games kind of look where you can browse & discover content you may have forgotten about or just not played in a while. Playtime has had a makeover since the last upload with a huge list of changes with some smooth transitions switching between games to Fullscreen Fanart & Fullscreen gameplay videos. 
In the GDC/Game Discovery Center view or I like to call the Home Screen I have utilised some navigational context when switching games as to which game you are navigating to/from. For example the screen transitions from The Highly Recommended Games in a frame at the top of screen into a list of games with Fullscreen Fanart.
This theme contains a Game Discovery Center View, 4 Platform Views, Text Views, a Wall View, 3 Horizontal based Views of Game Boxes & a Vertical View/WheelGamesView  based in a bedroom or Arcade room with a device hooked up to a screen to showcase some Nostalgia.

Game Discovery Center
To set Game Discovery Center to startup as your Home view. Start Big Box & go to Options/Views/Default Startup View: Game Discovery Center
Avatar Profile & Username Customisations & Instructions

Important Note

For Gameplay Videos set your Video Playback Engine to Windows Media Player in Big Box options/Videos/Video Playback Engine. VLC Player does not like videos in a Dock or Stack which will result in video playing sound but not visible.

Avatar Profile & Username Customisations
You can personalise your Home Screen ect with your own Avatar profile/Gamer Pic & i have created 50 Avatar pics for your profile for you to play around with & enjoy.


Edited by DazStelfox79
Added Information about changing Video Playback Engine to Windows Media Player

What's New in Version 1.5   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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User Feedback

You may only provide a review once you have downloaded the file.


· Edited by SidewaysMan


Great BigBox theme. Good support by the creator. Its my default theme right!!!! 

Response from the author:

Thank You so much for the Review SidewaysMan 😀 

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