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Posts posted by shakex

  1. OK.  I just solved my issue.  I originally had both a HDMI and Display port cables connected to my video card.  I replaced the HDMI cable and went with another Display port cable.  I also connected the display cables appropriately to each monitor so that display 1 is my primary display and display 2 is my marquee (as shown in WIndows).  I also changed Big Box so that it corresponds appropriately.  Now everything starts and displays properly.  So in my instance the culprit was having both an HDMI and Display port cable to my video card.  Just using two Display port cables worked.

  2. I'm having similar issues and thought I would share to see if someone knows the fix.  I have two monitors and both are 1080p.  One serves as my primary screen (display 2) and the other serves as my marquee (display 1).  I've set Big Box to show marque on display 1 and primary on display 2.  Everything seems to display correctly until I start a game.  The game shows up on display 1 (on top of the marquee).  I don't know what is causing this.

  3. Help me someone.  I'm using an Xbox 360 controller on Demul and I want to set the back button (#7) to exit/close Demul.  For some reason this code doesn't work:

    Send !{f4}

    What could I be doing wrong?

  4. 1 minute ago, Jason Carr said:

    Wow, turns out I *can* replicate it with your data. Unexpected, but may be related to using All Games as your startup view. I've noticed that it works fine if you go to View All Games from the menu. I'm surprised no one has ever reported that before though lol; there may be something else involved with your data that causes it.

    Anyways, sorry for the trouble, and thanks for following through with all of this. Now that I can replicate it, I'll figure out exactly what's causing it and get a fix in place for it, hopefully early next week. :)

    Super Super.  Thanks for all your help.  I'm patient and will standby.  Launchbox ROCKS!

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    Hmm, the image you uploaded is 960x540. Is that the actual resolution you're running? That is a bit of an odd resolution, so I suppose it could be related to that somehow. Did you change resolutions recently? Can you try upping the resolution?

    Here's a new pic.

    Search Bar broken v2.png

  6. 1 minute ago, Jason Carr said:

    Hmm, the image you uploaded is 960x540. Is that the actual resolution you're running? That is a bit of an odd resolution, so I suppose it could be related to that somehow. Did you change resolutions recently? Can you try upping the resolution?

    Oh no.  I use 1920 x 1080 but for the uploaded pic, i simply used good 'ol WIndows Paint to shrink the image.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Jason Carr said:

    I thought about that, but the font is the same font that is used elsewhere, so that doesn't make much sense either. Then again nothing makes sense. Did a Windows update just install or something? Are you on the Windows 10 accelerated updates for beta testers?

    I just tested on my system with the Default theme and same startup video, and I can't replicate it either. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't going insane. How long have you been using Big Box without this issue?

    Just in case it is somehow data or settings-related, feel free to zip up and PM me your LaunchBox\Data folder. I can test with that to rule it out.

    Thanks for going far and beyond with this.  I will PM you my zipped data folder.  Please stand by.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    Try deleting the LaunchBox\Themes folder, and restart Big Box, just in case somehow something got messed up with the theme.

    Unfortunately, it didn't solve the issue.  It still persists.  I wonder if there is a Windows setting associated with the font used for the search box?

  9. 1 minute ago, neil9000 said:

    I have just tested with the same startup video with no issues here unfortunately.

    Unfortunately, things have to always be tough for me.  I'm going to look at this again later today but I've looked at it as much as I wanted to right now.

  10. 1 minute ago, Jason Carr said:

    Wow, that's really strange. Idk, maybe it could be the particular startup video? What startup video is it? I have to admit I'm pretty baffled.

    I'm using the Blue Explosion Startup Video downloaded from the Download section.

  11. 3 minutes ago, neil9000 said:

    I have just tested both the default themes here on my system, i use a startup video myself, and i cant replicate the issue either unfortunately.

    OK.  I will uninstall and reinstall.  Thanks for the quick help.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    Also, what version of LaunchBox are you using? What version of Windows are you running? What are the specs of both machines?

    Alienware laptop: Win 10 Home, GTX 970M, Intel Core i7-6700HQ, 1TB M.2 Sata

    Arcade Cab: Win 10 Home, GTX 960, AMD processor, 500GB SSD

    Launchbox 8.3 for both

  13. Just now, Jason Carr said:

    No, I can't duplicate unless it's a brand new issue or something (haven't tested that in particular with the latest betas). Most people use a startup video so we'd have people screaming left and right if it was a common issue. Are you using the same LaunchBox collection on both machines?

    No.  Different collection on my alienware and arcade cab.  Ugh.  I'm think of uninstalling and reinstalling to see if that helps.

  14. 2 minutes ago, neil9000 said:

    You could also try the other included theme and see if you get the same problem there.

    The issue also persists when I use the CriticalZoneV2 theme.  I've also tried another computer and it still happens.  This is super weird.

  15. Hi All,

    I can't seem to fix this issue and was hoping someone could provide a fix.  I've loaded a startup video and now my search bar in big box no longer displays alphabet letters on the search or jump to bar.  Has anyone experience this and knows how to fix it?  I've added a picture to show exactly what I'm describing:


    Search Bar broken.png

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