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  1. Cheers dude. So basically my games folder is as follows When I import the games in launchbox I clicked on Add Folder but rather than import the entire contents of D:\LaunchBox\Games\Sega Saturn I just clicked on D:\LaunchBox\Games\Sega Saturn\Actua Golf to import the one game to see if that works. The game scrapes fine using the "use folder names instead of ROM files names for game titles" tick box but when I click Yabause opens up with just a black screen. I have the same game in .bin .cue format and tried doing the same with that so both the .bin and .cue files into a folder and then importing them in LB via the Add Folder. Highlighting that single game folder and still the same. I've also tried emptying the entire contents of the D:\LaunchBox\Games\Sega Saturn folder out apart from a couple of titles (as I don't want to scape and add of them if they don't load) and then importing the D:\LaunchBox\Games\Sega Saturn folder. Games scrape fine but don't load. Hope that makes sense!
  2. I re-imported them via launchbox once I made the changes to the rom file structures. I might try mednafen and see how I get on with that......
  3. Yes no problem when launched via Yabause
  4. Thanks for that. Tried adding the -i as part of Default Command-Line Parameters but the roms are still not launching. Yabause loads but the screen is black rather than white now. Have even took the following files CD-ROM [GS-9109] [V1.001] [!-] [Mixed mode CD].ccd CD-ROM [GS-9109] [V1.001] [!-] [Mixed mode CD].iso CD-ROM [GS-9109] [V1.001] [!-] [Mixed mode CD].sub Out of the Afterburner directory and put them in the Sega Saturn games root directory with the appropriate name for the files and tried loading it that way but still the same result - black screen....
  5. Thanks for this. I've gone through the folders and copied the contents of the media folder into the respective root folders of the games so it looks like this now: D:\LaunchBox\Games\Sega Saturn\After Burner II (JP) CD-ROM [GS-9109] [V1.001] [!-] [Mixed mode CD].ccd CD-ROM [GS-9109] [V1.001] [!-] [Mixed mode CD].iso CD-ROM [GS-9109] [V1.001] [!-] [Mixed mode CD].sub Rather than D:\LaunchBox\Games\Sega Saturn\After Burner II (JP)\Media (basically removing them from the Media subfolder) When I import the folder over to Launchbox with the "use folder names instead of ROM files names for game titles" they import fine and all the meta data and boxart etc is scrapped for the games. Trying to launch the game Yabause opens up but the rom doesn't work. Yabause just stays on the white screen waiting for my instruction. Do I need to add something to the Default Command-Line Parameter? As mentioned standalone Yabause launches the games fine but when done via Launchbox the roms don't load.
  6. Hi all, In the process of setting up my build but having issues with the Sega Saturn emulation. All my roms were in 7z and I've not unzipped them all into their retrospective folders which has resulted in the following Inside each of the rom folders is a folder called media and insider there 3 files like so (Except on multi disk games where the folders arecalled Media Disc 1, Media Disc 2, etc): When I load up Yabause on it's own I can load the ccd file and it works fine. How do I go about importing these into Launchbox and ensuring that the games are actually called the title of the game not just CD-ROM. What do I need to configure? Thanks! P.S. not too sure about the first game on there called 6 Inch My Darling....
  7. Thanks for this! You're a star!! ?
  8. Hi guys, I'm at my wits end with getting MAME64UI to run via Launchbox. I've installed MAME64Ui and when I double click on it via file explorer it works fine. Have configured it for Launchbox with the roms pointing to the correct directory and the MAME app pointed to the right place too. When I click on any rom I get a fatal error with files missing. Not sure what I am doing wrong here as the roms are not missing and as said when I use MAME64Ui on it's own there are no problems. Help!
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