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Posts posted by preachah8

  1. Holy hell gentlemen.

    After a night (and half a day) of toil and "wtf's?"... I've found the issue.  There were 2 "game folders" (identical) in the MAME folder.  So, when poking around through Launchbox and looking for associations, it looked as if it was "pointed" to the correct place.  However, it was pointing at an identical folder.  

    I cannot for the life of me figure out how that happened/can happen, without having "(copy)" after the name. 
    I actually am not even able to replicate it.

    Thank you for all your comments last night!  I appreciate the effort.



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  2. Windows 7 - 64bit
    Never had a problem with Launchbox.  All roms loaded, everything points to the right place (as far as my knowledge tells me).

    After updating tonight, every MAME game says "initializing" and then disappears back to Launchbox selection screen.  No error, no crash.

    Any help appreciated!


    PS - LOVE Launchbox and Big Box.  Well done folks!



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