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  1. danielsan27's post in I-PAC2 Command line changing configuration Issue was marked as the answer   
    Talking with Andy (official IPAC reseller) he told me that every IPC configuration file must be set with all keys or all pad buttons, no mixed.
    Did a rapid check: IPC pad file was ok, all pins was set to pad buttons (also unused pins), no key. ------------> IPC keyb file had a pad button on a unused pin <---------------, so , when i tried to change from mode xinput to mode keyb via IPC file, didin't work for this reason
    Corrected IPC keyboard file, editing the unused pin, correctly set to a key button (not important which, because it was an unused pin) and then it WORKS !
    Now, next step is, doing a script, but for this, i will open another topic

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