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Everything posted by jaekrieldgx

  1. Wow. Ok. Thanks for that info. I have not heard of Hypseus Singe, but I will look into the possibility of using it, if I can get some info on that emulator as well as learn how to rip the BluRays and convert the video files into M2V files...I know how to Rip Blue Ray movies for making "backups" - its quite easy with software - but converting the files to M2V files is as of yet out of my experience as well - especially if its in fact - quite a task to get done. However, if what you say is true about the "upscaling" of the original video files into 720 (is that 720p?) by Digital Leisure - that may be good enough in the interim, or possibly even the final result - at least I know the original video/film quality has been improved; that's good to know. I was just hoping to get the best possible video quality - and figured that the BluRay might actually be something close to 1080p - even though I know the originals would not be close to that unless they actually remastered the negative and/or digitized the original film...but again - if nothing else, I'm encouraged by what you say about the Digital Leisure improvements. But as I am a stickler for getting the best possible resolution results, I'll dig into it and see what I can figure out. Thanks so much for all the info. It was very helpful. ~ Jaek
  2. (I apologize in advance if this has already been discussed/answered) So I want to start experimenting with making my own arcade cabs using LaunchBox The first one I'd like to build for myself is Dragon's Lair (with possibly DL2 and Space Ace added) I watched the Unbroken Software vid on YouTube upped by ETA Prime discussing Daphne In that video he said I need to have the DL/DL2/SA DVDs because I need the m2v files from those DVDs to run the games - which are the "video" files for each of the games respectively I have the DVDs - however, I noticed on eBay that there are BluRays of DL, DL2, and SA - and I was thinking that they would possibly have higher resolution video files of those games (?) If I buy the BluRays - are there the same or similar files on those discs that can be used with LaunchBox via Daphne ? Or...is there any other way to use the BluRays or files from the BluRay Discs to run with LaucnhBox - in hopes of getting the highest resolution video in those games? (I don't even know if these can be played by themselves on PCs, since they advertise as being able to be operated with a home/console bluray player using the bluray remote control - none of the sellers could answer that for me) Or...am I wasting my time - meaning the BluRays actually do NOT containing a higher res of the video files for those games.... Has anyone done a side by side comparison of the DVDs and the BluRays of any of the Don Bluth Laserdisc Games? If anyone knows and/or has an answer to any of this - please let me know Thanks in advance Jaek
  3. So to try and reply to both posts, here is what I am doing step by step - (I've already installed LaunchBox, RetroArch, SNES9x, and imported a bunch of SNES Roms) So I plug my USB XBOX One Controller in. First I try and open RetroArch (per Retro808's suggestion) After re-loading Core (Emulator) to eliminate any possible error from the 'get-go', I click 'Load Content' and click on 'Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story [an old SNES favorite of mine] The game starts to play, but the controller does not respond If I click on Command, and then Menu Toggle, it brings up RetroArch - I 'wheel mouse' down to 'Controls' and it has 'User 1 Device Type' - 'SNES Joypad' as its default setting If there is any way to change or configure this - I cna't figure it out, but I cannot affect any change So I 'Resume' out of RetroArch and let the 'Dragon Rom' Play - no response from my Controller, and I don't see any way from the menu options from within the 'Dragon' Rom that is playing to configure or change in anyway the Controller Settings I close the ROM window and go into LaunchBox I go to 'Tools' , 'Options', 'Game Controllers' I click the 'Enable Game Controllers' box, but neither before nor after I do that, does the drop down menu 'See' my Controller I click 'Refresh', and I even try clicking 'Use All Attached Controllers' - still, no result So....what am I doing wrong ...or not doing...? Ps - sorry for the delayed response.... Pss - Thanks for the help - Jaek (pronounced like Jake, if anyone cares...)
  4. So - getting LaunchBox up and running on my computer has been a nightmare thus far.... I couldn't even install it because I did not have .NET Framework 4.8 installed, and getting that installed was a two day head slapping and cursing process which ultimately forced me to upgrade my OS from Windows 8 to 8.1 ...just so I could install LaunchBox..... Finally I got LaunchBox installed, and followed the YouTube tutorial made by ETA prime to install Lauchbox, RetroArch, and import my first set of games (SNES) - and all that worked fine - BUT..... When I click on a game to play - nada. It doesn't even SEE the controller when I go into Controller Configuration I know my computer "sees" the controller, because the "X" button lights up when I plug it in (USB by the way) So - is there a certain "brand" of XBOX Controller I have to use? I bought two separate controllers from Amazon - a "blue one" because that's what my daughter wanted, and a "red wine" controller for me. Both different manufactures. I wouldn't have thought that who I bought the controller from would have mattered - does it? If anyone has ideas to help me, I'd be very grateful Thanks in advance JaekrielDGX (PS - sorry for the long post - I'm a writer so I tend to email/post in "long-winded" format - IE - just how I talk and/or think)
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