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  1. @Mr_x92 thanks, I'm trying yet to get help to solve this... @Jason Carr I can't see error, just close suddenly, see video: The problem is not memory or video card, when I'm using the LauchBox/BigBox, both GPU or Memory are not using even half of capacity, so that's not the problem. Both works great on many games in 4k, but on LaunchBox, without any program running or game, the LauchBox/BigBox close suddenly. LauchBox/BigBox Have some debug tool to see whats happen? I can't see any error message, maybe looking on log I can find the problem...
  2. On Full HD (1920x1080) works great, never crash or close suddenly, and transitions are smooth, but on 4K (3840x2160) close every time (both the BigBox and the Launchbox) and transitions dont are smooth, looks a unoptmized system... When I select a game, or even a platform, it usually closes out of nowhere, sometimes it even shows the preview video, but it usually closes suddenly PC Specs: Windows 10 (1809) nVidia GTX 670 (Driver 416.94) 8GB RAM CPU i7 2600 @ 3.4 I can run some games in 4K, like Dragonball FightersZ @ 40/60 FPS and etc, so I do not think it's a problem the computer does not support because it runs some current games in 4K.
  3. I was doing it that way, but a lot of work, it would be a faster way to do this, but thanks anyway for the help!
  4. It might not be a bad idea to add another field, something like "Display name", and then we can filter by that name: That way I could put the name I needed that would not change the folder structure
  5. I would like to rename the platform name, however whenever I change the title, the folder name also change name... I would like to keep the original folder name "Super Nintendo Entertainment System" without changing the folder structure, just changing the sidebar title, without tampering with the internal structure of folders, is this possible? I need change many platforms like "Super Nintendo Entertainment System" to "Super Nintendo", "Sega 32x" to "Mega Drive" and etc... I know some platforms by other names, so I would like to change but keep the structure with the original names.
  6. I believe that option to hide/unhide a platform is a great functionality to implement to LaunchBox... Have some area to post something like "Feature request" or "Ideas for LaunchBox"? @edit I found here Already have this feature request since 2016 https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues?q=hide+platform Thanks for help.
  7. I have many games, I want to complete collection with all games and roms, but some games (or console/platform) I dont want to list on LaunchBox/BigBox (only certain times), but on general, I need to hiden some games and consoles... Is possible do this without remove or delete? Just like checkbox enable/disable console/game, and keeping my collection intact...Remove some platform from this sidebar navigation, and BigBox mode too, is possible? The idea is when I search, these games or platforms do not appear in the search, and also do not appear in the listing of all games.
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