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Posts posted by Cavey

  1. I've been using Launchbox/BigBox for 5 years now, but hadn't updated since late 2020 simply because I liked the way everything looked. I recently saw the Big Details theme and thought I'd like to give it a try, so I downloaded 13.8 and now everything looks great, but Launchbox insists on opening on my primary monitor - before the upgrade Launchbox would open on whichever monitor I last closed it on (which is almost always Monitor 2) and BigBox would open on my primary monitor. I value this functionality over everything looking a bit prettier. Is there anyway to tell Launchbox to start opening on Monitor 2 again, but keep BigBox opening on my primary monitor or is my only option to go back to my old backup?

  2. Hey there.

    I've been adding a lot of data to the database recently and since everything was getting accepted, I decided to start helping to moderate the queue myself. A week or so ago I marked two games for deletion as they were duplicates of pre-existing entries. These were quickly accepted 3-0 and marked as approved, but they are still present in the database and still get picked up by Launchbox when searching for metadata. Added games and media seem to appear immediately after being accepted, so is there a wait time on things being deleted or is this some sort of bug?

    These are the 2 games I marked for deletion:



    And these are the pre-existing entries:



    and here are screenshots showing they were approved:



  3. 40 minutes ago, faeran said:

    Hi @Cavey. I'm pretty sure the way it works is that it will check your file for regions first and download media accordingly.

    To test this, check your Planet of Death ROM filename for any region and change it to United Kingdom. Then try to download media again using the wizard and see if you get different results.

    Yup, that's it... unfortunately, upon checking, almost all the Spectrum games I own are listed as (Europe) despite the majority of them actually being the UK published versions - which would explain why my other platforms appear to be largely unaffected. I guess that when I originally downloaded the media, UK covers were all that was available, so it brought those down.

    If I completely remove all region information, would it download all media and allow me to choose after the fact?

  4. I have a problem that I am hoping someone can help me with. I originally installed Launchbox in 2017 and whenever I added a game the media would scrape and it would then use my region priorities to decide which cover to display.  I recently decided that my Sinclair ZX Spectrum media was looking a little worn and chose to remove and replace it with better media that is now available in the database. I originally had both the Europe and UK media downloaded with the UK media being prioritized, but no matter what I do now, it will only download the UK media if there is no European version available on the database.

    As an example, if you take this game https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/29721

    You can see that UK media is available, but nothing I do will get that media to download from within Launchbox itself. If I delete all images and redownload it will always bring the European versions only. Any game with European media available will exhibit the exact same behaviour. Does anyone know how I can fix this or make Launchbox only bring the UK versions when multiples are available?

  5. That's what I was saying, it is ignoring the system settings completely. The default application is set to Acrobat Reader - I've just checked. Having said that, I've just noticed that double clicking on a PDF is making Edge open it too, so it is Windows 10 ignoring the setting not Launchbox itself. I presume this started happening after I got a forced Edge update recently. Thanks for trying to help anyway.

  6. 4 hours ago, neil9000 said:

    Yes, you can either install it elsewhere and drag and drop all your folders to the new one. Or easier, go to your Launchbox/Updates folder, find the version you want and install directly over the top of your current install. Thats over the top not inside, many people make that mistake and end up with Launchbox folder inside there Launchbox folder. :) 

    I  have reinstalled 9.7 over the current install as suggested by you and Combine Games is now working as intended again. Thanks so much for your help.

  7. 5 hours ago, neil9000 said:

    I have just tested this here, although i am on 9.8 beta 4, not 9.7, and it is combining games just fine like usual.

    Thanks for taking the time to check for me. Given what you've said, I'm going to presume that it's something happening on my end. Do you happen to know if it's possible to reinstall Launchbox without undoing all the work that I've put in so far?

  8. When I first purchased a Launchbox/BigBox license, I imported several full rom sets and have been slowly working through them using the 'Combine Selected Games' menu command to consolidate ROMs of the same game from different regions (that the importer missed) into one entry. Recently this option has stopped working correctly. I get the dialog box stating that it has completed successfully and the second entry for the game is removed from Launchbox, but no additional apps are added to the remaining entry. Instead the ROM is just totally removed from Launchbox and requires re-importing.

    Is this confined to my system or was it introduced in one of the recent updates?

  9. On 11/20/2018 at 9:45 PM, alec100_94 said:

    @Cavey Ok, so the issue here is the copying of the .pnach file which already exists. I'll fix the issue when I get around to it, but for now delete the config from your config's folder (ini's by default), and delete the pnach (951555A0.pnach for Disgaea 2) from PCSX2's cheats folder and you should be good to re-download the config.

    I had tried deleting the remote folder previously, but had no idea about having to delete the pnach file. I did as you said and now have the Disgaea 2 config fully working. Thanks.

  10. I've just used the plugin to download config files for around 80 games - thanks to you guys for creating both the plugin and the configs, they're a real timesaver - but thought you might like to know that there appears to be issues with a few games.

    When I click to download a config for Devil May Cry 3 ID#16, it instead downloads a config for Ring of Red ID#16726. I don't even have this game installed. I tried removing the config and downloading it again, but with the same result.

    When I click to download a config for Metal Gear Solid 3 ID#44, it actually downloads the config for Ace Combat Zero ID#4422.

    I notice that both the games that suffer from this behaviour have double digit IDs and have been replaced by configs that share the same two digits as part of a longer ID number.

    When I attempt to download the config for Disgaea 2 ID#7215, it does download the config, but immediately crashes Launchbox 9.0 with a 'Cannot create a file when that file already exists' error. I also tried removing this config and redownloading, but with the same results.

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