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Posts posted by idgarad

  1. I would be nice to have a progression mode for attract mode that say starts displays X random videos of each year in order.



    For Each Year

    select max 5 random videos (perhaps 1 per platform)

    for each video


    next video

    next year


    So in attract mode is kind of does a historical timeline of each.

  2. I was think more along the lines to embed into a theme a video player entry that can play a youtube video (or random selection of videos). Then be able to contribute that entry to online databases or start an simple XML file that could have extended metadata for youtube videos that are relevant to the title.




        <title> Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
        	<type> Review </type>
        	<url> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08OrFMEC6AE </url>
        	<author> Cheese Toast </author>
          <type> Parody </type>
          <url> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMwW4NGEk_Q </url>
          <author> Angry Video Game Nerd (James Rolf) </author>


  3. How can we handle in the collection additional media links. For example in the NES data for a game, what about linking to things like an Angry Video Game Nerd episode that is linked to that game title, or an archive of the commercial for a game? Perhaps a scraping option for specific whitelisted channels\personalities? I am much more interested in the archival aspect of the emu-scene and building out the historical archive is big on my list. Any thoughts on how to handle that expanded data via Launchbox\BigBox?

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