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Everything posted by Afrim

  1. Well this may sounds crazy but I moved everything back to original directory and replaced my parents xmi with the backup file in the backups folder and all is working back to normal now. This was scary but I’m so glad to be back to normal.
  2. Thank you very much for the advice. I will give this a shot tomorrow when home and report back. ?
  3. Hey all. Been a user of launchbox for many years now with license. Today it looks like my launchbox build is very corrupt. Can’t really do anything without it crashing to a million errors. So I decided to install fresh then moved over everything from my old folder to the new one. Great news! No crashes and all my metadata transfered. BAD NEWS whenever I go to launch a game I get an error message saying “the rom file you’ve specified does not exist”. Anyone know where I went wrong here? Please help. I’ve put so much work into this collection and the thought of starting over freaks me out. Thank you!
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