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Posts posted by The_A_Drain

  1. Thanks for testing that Retro808, I appreciate it. And Merry Christmas :)

    I've failed in describing what I want though. It's not the individual playlists I want to have different views, this works, I have all game selection views set as text.

    It's the menu for selecting a playlist that I want to have a different view from the platform selection menu. Not the game selection view, so one back from your screenshots.

    I'm just using the one-click in-built playlists setup by right clicking a platform in Launchbox and hitting 'Auto Generate Child Playlists' (although I did try moving them to root also to see if that would allow me to do this but it didn't work)

    This is the view I'd like to change to text (Playlists View)

    playlists.thumb.PNG.7eccd60ae182b6c9bc0bd5a263e5274f.PNGBut when I change this view, these two also change (Platform Categories and Platforms):

    platformcategories.thumb.PNG.a8894d0004a6807b51475f5cdba94da9.PNGplatforms.thumb.PNG.27cc5e0d15ab8e8655e6e02d2267f69f.PNGMy actual playlists are working just fine, although I've not customized any of them very much just set them all to text view.



  2. Thanks Retro808, I gave it a try, but when I changed the view in Playlists and backed out again, it had changed it for all 3, Playlists, Platforms and Platform Categories.

    I don't think it considers the Playlists View, Platforms View and Platform Categories View to be platforms. If I change the view for say, SNES, it remembers that. But I already have those set to text.

    It's the Playlist selection view I need to be text, rather than the games selection view when you select a playlist. For now I've changed the clear logos to custom ones that use a plain, clear text font but for some reason it just refuses to use them for certain auto-generated playlists. Deleting the default ones just seems to bring them back on the next boot, but also doing this for many platforms is a pain. I tried putting them in the images folder in the theme under Playlists/Clear Logos/ but that also didn't do anything, I didn't really expect it to though.

    It doesn't have to be text specifically, I just don't want the default logos because, honestly, they look horrific and are very hard to read. But changing them individually for every platform is a real pain and sometimes even after updating the cache, it displays the default ones anyway.

  3. It seems that whatever I choose under Platform List View applies to Platform Categories, Platforms and Playlists, but I really don't like the clear logos for playlists and would much prefer just text list.

    Or at least remove the Clear Logos that are auto-generated, I've tried deleting them but they still show up in the list.

    Also is it possible to not use platform categories, but use playlists once you select a platform? It seems I can have Platform Categories and Playlists, or just Platforms.


  4. Thanks for the tip Retro808, that's perfect. Changing ActiveGame to SelectedGame definitely helped. Looks better too because it doesn't change the image until it's chosen a game.

    The rowspan I didn't even notice, I've removed it and it doesn't seem to have changed anything but, it probably shouldn't be there as you're right, it can't span 7 rows when there is only 1.

    The performance and odd, stuttery scrolling behaviour is fixed the only problem now is that it starts scrolling before it selects any game, so when it enters a platform menu, until it settles on a game, the screen is just black. But this is ok, way better than previous. I'm wondering if the main problem was just constantly trying to load those box images as it scrolled through tons of games.

    Appreciate the help Retro808

  5. Hi guys,

    I've been constructing a theme to use with a cabinet, and have got things almost exactly where I want them but I'm having some issues with attract mode, so I wondered if anybody could help me troubleshoot it.

    Works reasonably well, with maybe a tiny bit of lag, on both Default and CriticalZoneV2 - BlueBox, but I've made a couple of modifications to BlueBox and now it's hanging a lot, sticking on a black screen for ages when entering a platform menu, and occasionally getting very stuck and looping through menu items for up to a minute to settle on a selection. I'm wondering if it's just a caching issue, as I'm asking the menu to show more information than standard (game video plus the 3D Box and 3D Cart) but it seems to work much snappier when I scroll through by hand, and doesn't get stuck on a black screen when entering a platform menu.

    It's a little hard to describe so I included a video, apologies for the filesize. I've also included the modified TextGamesView.xaml alongside a fresh log file from just booting it up, letting it play attract mode and exiting right after.

    The theme itself is just CriticalZoneV2 - BlueBox with a minor change to the PlatformWheel2 and layout change to TextGamesView. All the other customization was simply done through image priorities in the LaunchBox options menu.

    I know there aren't any options for configuring how Attract Mode should act, but are there any plans in the future for expanding on it? I'll be honest, it's the one thing I'm not a huge fan of in BigBox, I'd love the option to simply fade-up a fullscreen video until someone presses a button, though. That would be ideal for my purposes, or maybe something that automatically went back to a particular menu (maybe the default one, in my case the platform menu) and just slowly scrolled through them one at a time, as well as an option to mute the menu scrolling audio if it's in attract mode. 

    Cheers in advance guys

    edit: just realized my capture card saved the videos as .ts for some reason, they'll play in VLC just fine but I'll try and convert it to MP4 now.

    edit: uploaded the mp4 version

    edit: I did find the separate Attract Mode Navigation Sound Volume under Sound options though, must have missed it earlier! Awesome, that's super useful.

    TextGamesView.xaml Debug 2019-12-22 04-18-23 PM.log

  6. Sorry for the double post, but wanted to separate the resolution from the issue.

    I've resolved the issue.

    The images in that platform backgrounds package are malformed in some way, I opened the jpeg images and re-saved them as both 24 and 32 bit PNG files and either one loads with no issue. I then re-saved one of those as a JPEG with 80% compression and chroma 4:2:2 just using paint.net and they work perfectly.

    Not sure if this is a BigBox issue (the original images show up just fine inside of the LaunchBox platform editor as Fanart) or an issue with the images themselves, either way. That was the issue! Re-saving them in paint.net worked, little bit annoying but at least I've diagnosed the problem and can have the menus I want now. Also explains why the image priority was having odd effect, my guess is it was choosing the correct highest priority, the fanart, but was simply failing to load the image and bailing out instead of moving down the priority queue.

    Should be able to get precisely the behaviour I want now using background images and slightly modifying the default or CriticalZoneV2 Blue themes.

  7. Hi guys,

    been using LB for a couple years now, absolutely love it but I've never really looked into BigBox much, I'm setting up a standalone machine to boot directly into BigBox and I love it so far, but I've been tinkering around with the themes, switching between them a lot and trying to get the videos/images the way I want them and seem to have broken something.

    I've been using Default, CriticalZoneV2 Blue and MinimalX, they all do almost completely what I want but I may eventually need to code a modification myself, I think I'm just seeing an interaction between the priority settings for images/videos.

    But I've noticed that after switching between them a few times, changing themes no longer works properly, When I set a theme as default, it changes some things, but not others and under 'Views' the 'Theme' is set to either the wrong theme, or blank. Changing it to the theme I've just set seems to mostly work, but I'm seeing some oddities with platform backgrounds.

    With Default and CriticalZoneV2 Blue, I've supplied custom backgrounds for each platform under Launchbox/Images/Platforms/[Platform]/Fanart but for some reason, the only one that works is the Sega 32X and Sega CD32X, I'm not sure it's something specific to those platforms but I can't find an obvious way they differ from other platforms I have installed. They all have EmuMovies videos set up, they all have fanart installed, shows up in LaunchBox when I hit 'Edit' on the platform, etc.

    I've included my BigBoxSettings, and Platform config along with both the Sega 32X config and another platform for which background image doesn't work (Super Nintendo) alongside Settings just incase any of those are useful.

    Would really appreciate a nudge in the right direction.

    Cheers :)

    edit: I've noticed that I can get a background to display for platforms if I tell it to use the clear logos. So something can appear there that isn't a video. The only other thing I can get to work is platform videos. But I don't personally like these as backgrounds.



    I've tried setting 'Show Fanart' to true under Options->General->Game Details, and ticking every box under Images->Background Priorities with 'Fanart - Background' as the highest priority. But still not seeing anything in the Platforms menu on the Default theme, even repaired the Default theme and ensured checkboxes related to video backgrounds are off (these work if they are on) just a black background except for the Sega 32X for some reason. I even re-scraped images for every platform and still nothing.

    I've tried using the Theme->Default->Images->Platforms->Device folder to override everything, same for the Fanart folder, still nada unfortunately. On both the Default theme and the other themes I've mentioned.

    Even tried removing the _00/_01/etc naming convention and just using the raw platform names for the images, no dice.


    I found the debug log option in options and enabled it, looks like the images I'm trying to use are throwing a 'bitmap property type is unexpected (exception from HRESULT: 0x88982F8E)' exception originating from BitmapDecoder.SetupDecoderFromUriOrStream()

    Doesn't give me any more info than that so I'm guessing either the images from the pack I'm using are malformed, or it's sending an incorrect path and failing to load any file at all. Hard to tell but I'll try re-saving some of the images as a different format.

    BigBoxSettings.xml Platforms.xml Sega 32X.xml Settings.xml Super Nintendo Entertainment System.xml)

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