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Posts posted by skylesjk111

  1. I'm by far in expert, but I remember when I first set my LED blinky up it would speak the ROM name, I've since turned that off.  But when I switched games in launch box,

    if I didn't wait long enough it's like the system hadn't caught up with the change yet and it would say the wrong ROM name occasionally.  

  2. I tried that. But when I would go to a non-light gun game It would still be on the super scope as the second controller and I would have to manually change it back.  And ironically since the last posting, I was messing around with different cores on super Nintendo in retro arch and somehow broke the light gun for SNES 9X.  Still works fine on Mesen for Nes.  Trigger won't work now for super Nintendo.   

    At this point I don't even really care because I don't plan on really playing many light gun games for super Nintendo.  

  3. I was messing around more with this today.  The Mesen core for Nes works great.  I should preface this by saying that I did not want the cross-hairs to show up in the game.  There were no cross-hairs originally and it makes the games to easy.  There are no cross-hairs for the retroarch core and no option to add them that I could find.  If you want the cross-hairs, there is the option of that in the stand alone version of Mesen. 

    When setting up the Aimtrak light gun for MAME I noticed that it tracked better near the edges of the screen if I removed all bezels and fit the game to the screen.  The same is true of the NES games.  There is the option in the Mesen core for a 16:9 ratio which fills the screen.  I remember reading somewhere that the gun didn't track well.  That is not my experience.  It tracks just fine.  I will say that it is more accurate at the center of the screen and towards the edges always tends towards center.  If you just adjust your aim slightly there are no issues. 

  4. I just spent a lot of time setting this up as well. Originally I had Mesen as a separate standalone emulator but after some searching I also found that Mesen seems to work fine for Nes in retroarch.  So then what you do is create another emulator in launchBox with mesen as the default core and set your game to launch with that if it's not your normal emulator.  


    SNES was a little trickier. I couldn't find a way to have my light gun automatically detected and usable with the cores I tried.  So then I tried to stand alone snes9x emulator which seem to work fine but the exit button couldn't be set to escape which is a problem.  I went back to retroarch snes9x core and was able to get it to work. What you have to do though is load up a game then go into the options menu.  Enable light gun settings in the core options.  Then make sure on player 2 you remap your gun trigger and gun buttons before you change the controller type to superscope.  I realize this is counterintuitive.  The problem is if you change the controller type first then there is no way to remap the buttons.  After you have remapped those buttons on player 2 change the controller type to SuperScope.  My light gun works just fine then.  The problem that I have with this is I could not find a way to have retroarch remember a specific controller loadout for each game. when you exit the game and then try to start up another game that doesn't use the light gun you have to go back in and manually change the controller type back to joypad which is kind of annoying.  I wasn't going to do that so what I did is I installed another instance of retroarch.  I set that version to the light gun settings.   Then created another emulator for light guns in LaunchBox.  

    Maybe there is an easier way for super Nintendo games. I didn't try every single core. I only tried the snes9x core and mesen-s.  But the mesen-s core didn't even load for me.  

    Hopefully this helps somebody.  

  5. I guess I was unaware that LED Blinky could interface with an Xbox controller.  I also don't remember my Xbox controllers having light up left and right buttons but maybe I'm wrong.  

  6. I was struggling to find an acceptable way to get LedBlinky to work with Steam games.  I read responses on this forum but I never saw a real answer.  I thought I would post my solution in case it can help someone else.  First off,  I am not a computer programmer and know almost absolutely nothing about the topic.  I can however use google search and then trial and error.  If there is a better way to do this I would love to hear it.  I created an autohotkey script that runs after the main application.  This script forces LEDBlinky to start the user defined layout for your game.  When you are done, you press (in my case p) a button to tell LEDBlinky to go back to the LaunchBox active layout.  The script is below.  This is for the game towerfall.  The path is unique for each game.  The general script would be   run, E:\ledblinky\ledblinky.exe <rom> <emulator>  and you need to insert the appropriate rom and emulator name.  If you wanted to use a different button to exit the app just change the p in the line ~p::.    In order for this to work you have to create a game specific layout in the LEDBlinky controls editor (there are lots of videos on how to do this).  Anyway hope this helps someone.  If there is a better or easier way let me know.  

    SendMode Input
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
    #SingleInstance Force
    run, E:\ledblinky\ledblinky.exe towerfall_ascension windows
    run, E:\ledblinky\LEDBlinky.exe 4

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