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Posts posted by Bigreddog

  1. A windows 10 update yesterday made launch Box in big Box mode for launch Box 8.9 come up as viruses, I try to backup data and reinstall the operating system only to wake up this morning to again have Microsoft security analysis's say that big Box and launch Box are viruses in will not run I'm happy I didn't pay for this as the guy I'm working on this for would have been highly pitched off with me

     I spent the last week making sure everything is set up correctly and everything was running perfectly fine now this Microsoft update I can't even run big Box I can't even run launch Box I recommended you guys to hundreds of people now my recommendation is gonna be throwing in the trash and people arent gonna trust me and think I'm infected their computer because they are not smart enough to realize what the hell's going on you need to fix this immediately I'm not gonna be held responsible for a development bug or  developing team unable to fix the problem as I'm gonna get Blam for putting viruses on somebody's computer because stupid people don't know any better I've already lost enough this year can you please do something about this ASAP




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