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Everything posted by Guille86

  1. Hi there, Recently I've changed the region for my PSX games from NTSCU to PAL because that's my region and I prefer to see the PAL covers. However, when I go to view images, now I only see the PAL media and not the NTSCU. Is there a way to still be able to see the NTSCU media when I right click and select view images? And I would also like to add NTSCJ media so I can see all the regions media when I right click and select view images. Thank you.
  2. Finally, I just had to select playlists on the drop-down menu on the left. It was listing platforms, I selected playlists and now I can edit them etc. Thank you for your answer, it helped me to find the solution.
  3. Hi, I have a few customs lists like "completed games" or "using save states" etc to which I add games to. Do you know how can I browse those lists? I can't find the way to browse them so I can see which games I've added or to remove some games etc. I can add a game to the list very easily, by right-clicking and adding the game to the list, but I can't browse the list. Thank you for your time. Best regards.
  4. Hi, I have a few games added to a custom reproduction list. How can I access the list to see which games I've added? I can add games to the list but I can't see which games have been already added. Best regards.
  5. Thank you for your answers, I imported a MS-DOS game that's why I was getting the message... when I go to "all" I get showing 274 of 274. It was so dumb but I was so confused lol. Thx
  6. Thank you for your answer. I've done that and I'm still getting the message. I've been also messing around with the view options and nothing...
  7. Hi there, I'm new to Launchbox, atm I only have a complete North America/Europe Sega Master System collection and I see this message below Showing 273 of 274 total games (I'm translating I don't use Launchbox in English) I wonder where is the missing game, indeed the library is showing 273 games so why is the message saying 273 of 274? I'm confused. Thank you for your help. Cheers
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