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Posts posted by testing123

  1. On 1/29/2021 at 2:06 AM, Your Friendly A.I Overlord said:

    First make sure that exit via controller automation works in LaunchBox and BigBox. Then go to LaunchBox > Tools > Manage Emulators > Xemu > Running AutoHotKey script. Copy and paste:

    WinClose, ahk_exe xemu.exe

    or if you have set xemuw.exe as the emulator executable:

    WinClose, ahk_exe xemuw.exe



    On 1/29/2021 at 11:58 AM, mohanned85 said:

    it didnt work
    but I used this and it worked

      Send !{f4}

    None of these work for me and I see the key combo to exit the emulator is ctrl+q what would the script be to send a ctrl+q when I hit the Esc key in launchbox/bigbox

  2. So I'm making a theme and it requires me to replace the metadata for Maximum players and User rating.

    Maximum player was easy as it just a single digit between 1-4 so named my files 1.png, 2.png, 3.png, and 4.png no problems but user rating 

    is another story.  The game I started with has a user rating of 2.8 and naming my image 2.8.png does not work I have also tried

    "2 8.png"

    "2.8 .png"



    with no luck is there some way around this?


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