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Everything posted by lawdon85

  1. Wonderful! thankyou
  2. thankyou both. one last question, I've found the file that I need (0.204 split), I'll also be updating to 0.204 MAME64 emu. The original launchbox tutorial had me adding my mame folder into the Launchbox root. Can I just replace that folder with the updated MAME folder (0.204 and roms)? Reason being is the cover art/emumovie part whilst importing the set took longer than the actual set download. can I assume it will all play nicely after replacing the mame folder, or is there some sort of cleanup option available/start everything from scratch. i did an import on a merged set and now ill have a proper split 0.204 mame arcade set
  3. ok thankyou for all your help. so essentially I've got the wrong file to what I was looking for. Without pushing the rules of the forum too far, I had: Mame 0.202 software list (merged) at around 58gb If I was to get 'mame 0.197 roms (merged)' which is 58.9GB is that the right path as it doesnt contain the words 'software list'?
  4. Yeah that seemed to be the only difference between the tutorial and my set (yours and tutorial is using a split set) I thought my set was different as it was merged. In the past I have always used just zip files. However, within this roms folder I have a neogeo one with all the games zipped up as normal and not a single one works (attached). I'm not exactly sire what this 50+GB file is for if I cant play anything from it
  5. Sure, I copied every folder within the "MAME_0.202_Software_List_ROMs_merged" folder into the MAME 'roms' folder. The 'can't find rom message' shows when I'm trying to run the directly in mame.
  6. Hi, Im struggling to see the difference here. For example I can see all of the old neogeo stuff and regular arcade games that I would normally expect in a mame package. LAunchbix has found artwork and imported over 3600 with the software list being 50+ GB. When searching, I'm seeing all the arcade games I was expecting, so not sure what I'm missing here?
  7. Hi there, I can't seem to get a single MAME rom to work and I can't think of anything else to try, so I'm hoping someone can help. Anything I try to load in launchbox or Mame64 has: "the selected machine is missing one or more required ROM or CHD images..." (this is shown in mame, launchbox just fails to load it) Essentially I have: - latest launchbox - Mame 0.202 - a 50+ GB merged MAME 0.202 software list For the life of me, I cannot get a single game to play. Even with the merged list having sub-folders within 'roms' both MAME64 and launchbox appear to recognise the games. I've followed tutorials for importing a mame rom set, although the guy in the tutorial said he had a split set, he mentioned merged would work fine. all games show in launchobx just fine. I have confirmed the following: - MAME.ini does have the rom folder correct - Launchbox imported with no errors, I selected 'world' as preferred region, and it got the boxart for my games fine. - both MAME64 and software list is 0.202 I had read on a previous post that a merged set contains all the required BIOS and i could ignore the 0.202 (bios-devices) file. I've got the feeling I'm missing something silly here and do I actually need that file, if so, where does it go? Cheers
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