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4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. I ended up installing directly from the bezel project and all is well!!! Thank-you for all the help!
  2. I did the install through launchbox, not the Github. But I can look over there and see if I can update through that.
  3. That did work! Now the next question is that the .lay file is located in each of the artwork folders. Is there a mass way to change that or am I stuck one by one?
  4. This is the lay file for the Artwork in 1943mii. <mamelayout version="2"> <element name="bezel"> <image file="bezel.png" /> </element> <view name="Bezel Artwork"> <bezel element="bezel"> <bounds left="0" top="0" right="16" bottom="9" /> </bezel> <screen index="0"> <bounds left="2" top="0" right="14" bottom="9" /> </screen> </view> </mamelayout>
  5. I have tried that setting. There was no change. More odd than that is if the game uses the fall back artwork. The aspect ratio is correct.
  6. I apologize if this is more an emulation topic but it only occurred after Launchbox installed the bezels and the bezel project. So didn't know where the disconnect lay.
  7. So I just recently started from scratch with Mame. Brand new set all the CHD's and followed the full set installer. All installed well and played well. I then added the bezels through the media interface. It downloaded and installed the bezels. When I go to play the vertical games they are stretched. If I go to the video options and turn of scaling it is still stretched. If I remove the bezels it is back to normal ratio. Also I used to have overlays for glass and and scratches but those seem to be missing.
  8. Never mind found it. For some reason Hide auto Generated Playlists was checked.
  9. Ever since I updated to 9.4/9.5 I seen to have lost the Playlists in Big Box. If I click on them in Launchbox the are there 2-player, light gun etc. But the wheel is empty in Big Box with 0 games showing. Thoughts?
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