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Posts posted by Kinglifer

  1. Let's be honest... the Shield is our awkward Aunt drunk at family parties.  You know... she was hip back in the day but now... still kinda hip but... Madona~ish... No? Ok well let me explain.

    I have a Shield but it can not even compete with my Mini PC... Thing is just too powerful... BUT the Shield still holds chips because of the Android interface. It keeps the wife and kids happy. 

    I have been dying to just put my Mini PC under the flat screen and get it over with but I need that interface. I was wondering if anyone would take on the task of designing such a beast. I am simply not qualified but definitely would jump on a Patrion or something to that effect to help support in other ways.

    Photo just for reference.





  2. On 4/17/2020 at 12:40 PM, JoeViking245 said:

    If that works only for the UI and not for the game, go to   ..\Emulators\Dolphin\User\Config\   open Dolphin.ini.  In the [Display] section (down around line #44), set RenderToMain to False.

    FullscreenResolution = Auto
    Fullscreen = True
    RenderToMain = False
    RenderWindowXPos = 0
    RenderWindowYPos = 0


    This is a bit old but.... Where the heck is Dolphin.ini?!? Are you talking about Retroarch?


  3. On 1/22/2023 at 10:08 PM, Fry said:

    I'm not 100% sure what you're asking.  This theme only provides one view which is the platform wheel 1 view.  Were you wanting to use a different view?  

    I would like when  you click on a cart the info view would have a 3d case.

    Also because I use Sunshine/Moonlight could I have a way to type to search? Voice does not work with the NVidia Controller streaming to a differnt device. 

  4. On 9/30/2022 at 5:51 AM, musarezeq said:



    I really appreciate your time spending reading my messages , so please don't bother yourself in that issue. I already teach my kid how to use Alt+F4 to close the game. Don't worry!! 😅


    You ever got this to work?

  5. I am going back to my kid days by installing Transformers War / Fight for Cybertron (Two awesome PC games made by Activision). The main issue is both games put the save games in the exact same spot with the exact same name.

    "C:\Users\GamerPC\Documents\My Games\Transformers\TransGame\"

    Even if you do nothing the save game becomes corrupt if you load the other game out of the two. You then loose the saves from the previous game. So the file must be moved or renamed to keep it intact.

    I was trying to use Display Fusion Pro (It has scripts to copy files etc.) but the Load before and Load after section in Additional Apps is not working. I did a test run to show a pop up while the script is running so I know it does it but somehow the game just boots back to the original startup (as if there was never a save game). If I do it manually it works obviously. (Copy the file then start the game).

    Is there a script that can do this for me and how would I set it up? 


    game path ..\TRANSFORMERS.War.for.Cybertron\TRANSFORMERS - War for Cybertron\Binaries\TWFC.exe

    my back up save path is ..\TRANSFORMERS.War.for.Cybertron\TRANSFORMERS - War for Cybertron\


    and for the other game... 

    game path ..\Transformers.Fall.of.Cybertron.Incl.ALL.DLCs\Transformers - Fall of Cybertron\Binaries\TFOC.exe

    back up save path is ..\Transformers.Fall.of.Cybertron.Incl.ALL.DLCs\Transformers - Fall of Cybertron\Binaries\


    both games save the game progress in "C:\Users\GamerPC\Documents\My Games\Transformers\TransGame\"

    exact same name so that is where the conflict happens.


    Even a renaming process could work instead of moving the folder like "WOCsavegame" and "FOCsavegame" and returns that folder back to "TransGame" before whatever game starts.




  6. Love the update. I see you are doing some adjustments. I have a question. How can I change the text list with detail games view to a different theme option? I love this theme but I wanted the Vision text list with rotating 3d cart case.

    I am not trying to be offensive just your setup with that list view is just too wow factor to not try and setup

  7. I did not read everything (Sorry was rushing) but I use bigbox with my PC and stream anywhere in the house. (phone, all TV's, firestick) and I exit using back and the x button at the same time. I use a setting in bigbox. I will look and send where exactly but I am using a netflix style theme so I hope they are in the same place for you.

    Give me a bit (IF THIS IS WHAT YOUR ASKING) and I will send details.

    I use Sunshine with Moonlight to achieve this. 

  8. On 3/24/2022 at 9:33 AM, SkyHighGam3r said:

    I think it would be an awesome addition.
    I assume more than "Game Pass", we are specifically talking about the xCloud portion of it; the cloud streaming?

    Personally, I have MASSIVE libraries on my PlayStation and Xbox, and I ended up creating PS4/5 and X1/XSX wheels with an entry that pulls up the Remote Play apps.
    It's hardly an integration, but it 'helps' to centralize things.

    mind sharing?

  9. On 11/25/2021 at 8:15 PM, Retro808 said:

    What exact steps are you taking?

    Just tested with 2 Xbox GamePass games and had no issue adding or launching from LB.

    There is no right click option. Perhaps I am doing it in the wrong app. Xbox then I hit Gampass uptop.... I see games. I right click nothing. 


    EDIT: I see. To be clear anyone else reading this... this applies to "My Collection" section. Not cloud Gamepass games. You have to download it. I assumed this shortcut was similar to the Stadia shortcuts you can make. 

  10. 20 hours ago, JoeViking245 said:

    Can you provide a little more detail?  Does any of it work? Where does it stop working?  Possibly at "Return"?  If you're running it Before Main Application, the window might not be active yet.   You may need to WinWait, ahk_exe TFOC.exe before trying to Send, ^!{Up}  or Send, 2.

    I dropped AHK because I am just not qualified to code it. I did get it to work in DisplayFusion. 

    If anyone else likes Transformers War of Cybertron, Fall of Cybertron or has a similar issue (Windows Program not being able to handle scripts) I hope this fix helps you.

    To copy files once the game ends I set up an Addition App set to Run Before Main app.

    In DisplayFusion I download (DisplayFusion Settings > Functions > Scripted Function > Download Scripted Function) called "Copy Directory (Overwrites Destination Files)". [Thank you Owen Muhlethaler] I renamed the script Copy Directory. (I was not sure if the brackets would work in a command line.)

    You can specify your file paths on line 13 and 14, along with the overwrite setting on line 10. The same trigger applies, you can attach this to a Window Destroyed event to have it run but I just did a command line using the title of the function. DisplayFusionCommand.exe -functionrun "Copy Directory". (I did this under the Addition App area). You can also duplicate the script, and have it attached to a Window Created event and swap the source/destination to copy the folder back or just make another Addition app when the program starts if triggers are not working for you. 

    • Game On 1
  11. 12 hours ago, Retro808 said:

    Did you check inside the emulator you mapped your controller? If you start a game in the emulator directly without using LB does it work?

    The controller mappings available inside LB/BB have nothing to do with in emulator game play, just an FYI.

    Hey thanks for responding. Emulator is Retroarch sorry. That is what I ment by everything else works with it. (Other platforms in Retroarch) but NES just does not have proper maps of the controller. When I look inside they look like I want but in game I cant hit start etc...

  12. question my controller setup for NES is standard for all the cores but for NES nothing works. it is almost in a demo mode depending on what buttons I press on the controller. Start and Back do nothing. I tried all cores. PC build. Anyone else had this odd behavior? I posted here because I assumed Mesen core would fix it but it didn't. 



  13. On 1/23/2022 at 8:38 AM, JoeViking245 said:

    In your script, remove the  ^!{Up}::  hotkey label and add a Sleep, 5000 to the beginning.  Adjust the Sleep 5 seconds ("5000") up or down to accommodate game load time, before moving the window.

    If I do this... how will the hot key I made activate? That part lost me. I know the Sleep section... timing there... Got that... Hey... thank you for answering as well. 

  14. Hi guys... I need some serious help. 
    Problem. I have two games. Transformers War of Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron. Old games. They do not have the option to load on my secondary screen. Also the save folder is the SAME FOLDER (Come on Activision)_.

    Fix Plan... an AHK script that moves the window to the secondary monitor and then copies the save FOLDER to the default section in my documents folder.

    When the game ends the Default game save folder is moved to a safe space so there is no corruption if the other game is played. 


    Code I got so far that does not work...

    user1 = "TRANSFORMERS: Fall of Cybertron"
    user2 = "TRANSFORMERS: War of Cybertron"
    Sleep, 50
    If WinActive(user1)
     Send, ^!{Up}
    If WinActive(user2)
     Send 2
    Sleep, 50
    source = C:\Users\Halo\Documents\My Games\Transformers\Fall of Cybertron
    target = C:\Users\Halo\Documents\My Games\Transformers\TransGame
    SysGet, mon1, MonitorWorkArea, 1
    WinWait, ahk_exe TFOC.exe
    SoundBeep, 1500
    WinMove, %mon1Left%, %mon1Top%
    FileMoveDir, %source%, %target%
    If ErrorLevel
     MsgBox, 48, Source to target, An error occurred while moving.
    SoundBeep, 1000
    FileMoveDir, %target%, %source%
    If ErrorLevel
     MsgBox, 48, Target to source, An error occurred while moving.

    Any help would be appreciated...
    Thank you

  15. Hi guys been lurking for a hot minute. I have a OLD PC game that is awesome. Micky Mouse: Castle of Illusion (Remastered). This game just wont load full screen with BigBox. it starts to flicker. I did not know what to do so I set it windowed. No more flicker but now it wont load on my second monitor (The TV). SO I have Display tools... I set a hot key of Ctrl+Alt+UP arrow and poof the active screen goes to the correct monitor. But I would like this to be done automatically. Unlike  emulators I do not see a startup for PC games. I see a AHK thing but it seems to be for ALL Windows games. Only this game refuses to start on my TV.


    Alternatively if someone knows how to get rid of the flicker when Fullscreen that would be great too. Also happens for Transformers (War/Fall) Of CyberTron. I know old PC stuff... Love them tho.

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