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Posts posted by firedoggod

  1. i know a couple versions back the Mame emulator automatic download/update was introduced, i had incorrectly assumed that it just applied itself within the existing mame versions folder thus preserving my custom keymaps and so forth. i know now that was wrong and its going into its own folder which I'm fine with but its then not pulling over the keymaps and other settings. is it possible to make that happen automatically? if not anyone know what files i need to bring over by hand?


  2. ok i resolved it. looks like for whatever reason it must have been loading a xml from the backup folder not sure which one it loaded but all 5 of the backups even tho they have a timestamp that matches up with the changes were missing the changes in all cases. i shutdown lb, moved the backup folder to the root then reran lb and the problem is now fixed. i would have to guess this is some kind of defect in launchbox. hope this helps anyone with similar issues

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  3. further investigating i have found that the changes i am making are indeed present in the arcade.xml file in the data\platforms\ folder however it seems that this is not the file that launchbox is loading. i was able to shutdown LB then delete the xml and then load it back up and the arcade platform was still there and fully functional. 


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  4. i have just discovered that the changes that i am making in my arcade platform are not saving after exiting launchbox. 

    for example i have been making tapper launch the alt graphics version by default as well as set it as a favorite and rate the game and while LB stays running those changes stay, but as soon as i shut down lb and start it up again it reverts back to a unmodified state.

    i have so far deleted the arcade db and made sure the arcade xml was wiped out and then re imported the library to no avail. i also saw something about wipeing out the lb cache so i renamed my listcache but that didint fix it. (not sure if there is some other cache). 

    edit: just cleared windows temp files using disk cleanup. also no change. 


    any help would be appreciated


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  5. i would love to see your app too. i think the big things missing in the importer are the filters (and sure SL support). i liked how lightspeed could filter out games for controls and player count that my control panel is not setup for . but i do hope all of these things get integrated soon!


    i tryed fooling around with lightspeed for use with the current version of launchbox. (i used to use it for hyperspin xml's) im seeing the xmls its spitting out are totally wrong for launchbox now. 

    is there a tool that i can use to filter my arcade games for controls/players ect that can spit out something launchbox can use?



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