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Posts posted by Gobhoblin

  1. I'm having issues with a few select games that I'm pretty sure is in one of the two databases.

    At the moment I'm importing DOS games installed with GOG Galaxy, so I'm just using the shortcuts (i.e. deciding what Launchbox should search for by renaming the .ink). Most games import just fine, but I'm having issues with some titles I feel really should be no problem. One of them is Fallout 2. Fallout 1 imports just fine, but when I try the second, nothing. I've tried every permuation of the name, and it simply won't scrape it. Another is Heroes of Might and Magic 3. Now, I'm pretty confident these games are there, and that I'm simply not using the correct names that are in the database(es), but I'm having trouble finding a good method for figuring out what's in there. Is there a easy way to search both for names?

    In the case of Fallout 2, I simply googled and found this:

    Which to me would indicate that it's in there, and with the name "Fallout 2", but Launchbox still refuses to download any media.

    Are there anyone who could give me a few pointers?

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