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Everything posted by shotgun10111

  1. Thanks Lordmonkus that did the trick. I appreciate the help. Thanks ✌️
  2. It does show up but when I select the pico core and click ok I get the error message in the picture. I can load Retroarch up in big box and its default core is also Genesis. I can remove the core from within there and pick Pico and the game runs but when I get back to bigbox it defaults back to the Genesis core in launchbox. Thanks
  3. I just got done installing my Sega 32x games and when I go to play them they are loading the wrong core. They are loading the genesisplusgx core I went into manage Emulators to change the core to pico and hit ok I get an error message that pops up ( see pic ). Also when I load Bigbox the only core its letting pick is the genesisplusgx. Can someone point me in the right direction to get them up and running. Thanks for any help ✌️
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