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Everything posted by MrSumOne

  1. Thanks! That should work, though it's a little annoying. I'm wondering why there isn't an option. But do you know where the bezel files are actually located in the Launchbox folder? Can't seem to find them.
  2. Just updated Launchbox, it's been a while, and I see there's a new bezel feature. I downloaded them for one of my collections and they seem to be working, but it also has this TV shaped bezel around the game, cutting of a little bit of each corner. Is there a way to turn that off and keep the game's bezels? Are there settings for the bezels somewhere? Where are the bezel files located? Thanks
  3. Like an autohotkey script? What would be the script command to shut down the program when the game is quit?
  4. So, I really wish DEMUL worked in Retroarch, because everything just works with that emulator, and DEMUL is definitely better than any of the Dreamcast cores inside Retroarch. My main problem with DEMUL is that when I try to bind my DS4 controller to the inputs it comes up with "joy0_anl3_key" before I have a chance to press the button I want assigned. I found this fix but it only really works for player 1, one controller, Dreamcast only, not Naomi or any of the other systems DEMUL can emulate. One alternative is to use a input mapper like DS4Windows, but I found that using something like that interferes with other games that work normally in Retroarch without an input mapper. Maybe there's a way to turn on the input mapper when the game is started, and exit it when the game is exited? I'm finding it frustrating to get DEMUL working with my DS4 properly. Can anyone give me some advice?
  5. That worked, thanks!
  6. So, I tried that, but it stays the theme video. I have confirmed that the games having this issue have a working Theme Video and Video Snap in the edit section of the game.
  7. I've been using BigBox for a while and I decided to change up themes recently. The problem is, the preview video in the box when I have a game highlighted is a fan art screen with a smaller video playing inside of that. I know I was able to change this before, but I totally forget where, and I've been playing with the settings for a while now with no success. Can anyone help? Example image below: https://imgur.com/MwcNoZC
  8. Actually, I just tested, if you set DEMUL to a folder like c:\Arcade\ with all your CHDs in and add another folder in DEMUL like c:\Arcade\Naomi\ with all your game.zip, it works! You don't have to have your CHDs in the same folder for DEMUL! Thanks!
  9. That worked. I changed the "copy" to "move" in the bat files as to save space. Thanks a lot! edit: though it doesn't move the CHD folder, so there's still work to be done.
  10. I guess there's no solution for this? I really don't want to start adding my games one at a time, but I guess I have to since there's no easy way, like there was with the rest of the arcade games... ☹️
  11. When I imported arcade games to Launchbox from my MAME .208 romset using the MAME Arcade full set option, it created playlists and everything looks great. I also have Naomi/Atomiswave/etc. games in that romset that were not imported automatically but work in DEMUL. Is there a way to get Launchbox to import those roms the same way as the arcade roms without going through the rom folder and moving each individual file over?
  12. Yeah, on my primary monitor which is 1440, it looks fine, but I wanted to use it on my 3rd monitor, which is 1080. If I change the display settings to 1080 then my 1440 screen will change to 1080 mode, which I don't want it to do. Basically I'm asking for a borderless fullscreen mode for BigBox, which would solve the problem, instead of a fullscreen mode, which needs all other monitors to be in the same resolution. Possible?
  13. I guess this is an issue with no answer?
  14. I have 3 monitors in extend mode on Windows 10, all using 100% scaling. One of the monitors is 1440, but the other two are 1080. I use the 3rd monitor, which is 1080 to do all my BigBox stuff. When using BigBox I try to use the search feature, but the text on the keys and in the search field are too big, it ends up looking like this. Is there a fix for this issue?
  15. It's no good, I tried multiple monitors (which is not free, so even if it worked I don't think I'd use it), and it works with windowed mode, but not full screen. And yes, I've tried putting the emulator in windowed mode, put it on the secondary monitor, and putting it back to full screen. The next time I open it it's back on the primary screen... I can't believe that this issue has never been fixed, and I'm the first to complain about it. On another forum someone said to just update to the latest version, but I have the latest version and it's the same issue... Edit: Update - I gave up, I'm just using the PPSSPP core in RetroArch. RA is great, it just works...
  16. Wow, I never knew that was a shortcut! That helps for a lot of situations, but unfortunately, when PPSSPP opens in full screen, it still opens on the primary monitor. Your trick only works if it's not in full screen. Any other ideas?
  17. I found that I am able to start other emulators on a secondary monitor, RetroArch has a setting for which monitor it should be on, and DEmul I just move the window to the correct monitor and it starts there by default. With PPSSPP I can't figure out a way to have it start on my secondary monitor, it always starts on my primary. Does anyone have a fix for this?
  18. Thanks, that worked.
  19. I tried importing a bunch of TurboGrafx CD games, but it turned out looking like this instead of just one entry per game. How do I get LB to read the game correctly and just use the cue file instead of everything inside the folder?
  20. Ok, so, when I import the roms again, how should I import them so that it fills in my platform metadata properly? Tried it, works, thanks And concerning my other issue, looking at this picture, where can I find the spinner pointer on the right side, the background, and the logo at the top? I've searched through the images folder for a long time now, I can't find them. So, two questions, how should I add the neogeo so that it pulls the information properly, and how can I get the game menu to not use default pictures? Where are those theme pictures stored? Unified, btw.
  21. So that updates the game's metadata, but not the platform's metadata. Like, the release date on the platform is still blank.
  22. So I change it to Arcade, but then how do I get it to actually get the metadata?
  23. So... how do I fix this? I've been looking at what I should name it, but I can't find the proper files anywhere... But there's an option for SNK Neo Geo MVS, which is what it is... isn't Arcade just a generic arcade data, and not the one I want?
  24. I have Bigbox working quite nicely, but I noticed that while my normal systems like N64 look like this, my NeoGeo platform looks like this, with a black background and "bigbox" at the top and a generic bigbox spinner on the right side. I've been looking for these files so I can replace them, but I can't find them anywhere. Is there a way to make Launchbox automatically download them? If not, how do I replace them? And I have the NeoGeo platform set up to scrape as SNK Neo Geo MVS like this but it won't download the metadata, like the release date and everything else all my other systems have. How do I get that info to populate?
  25. Before I subscribe to EmuMovies at full price, does anyone know of any coupons out there? Maybe something for joining lifetime LaunchBox subscription or something?
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