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Posts posted by evh1977

  1. I am so sorry for posting something like this in this site,I typed in emulation and rom forums and this came up in the first few choices and this looked like a great site with lots of helpful people. Once again I apologize for asking what is a really stupid questions in here but now that I know and you didn't bite my head off and throw my carcass out like most trolls on the internet would have done to me for posting that on a site that disapproves so thanks much for that!

    Now,I would love to learn how to set up something from scratch myself but am not the biggest computer person and have no idea on how to wire and sodder things,not saying I cant learn but when your dealing with expensive electronics that come in the mail I don't wanna mess something up that I waited a minute to get and lose the money on it too,that would be very discouraging to me lol

    But could you guys maybe give me a little rundown of the way you guys do things opposed to the other way that people are doing the emulation thing these days with the plug and play systems or the computers and hyperspin drives that I see websites advertising for anywhere between $1000-1500 dollars for a supposed hig class gaming pc and full arcade emulation station. They make it so easy if you have the cash and lets face it,when you are starting out in this hobby and want to start building a system like me and then see all the technical work that goes into it,can be very overwhelming. 

    So please if you aren't too busy or don't mind helping a noob like me out,i would love to hear what you all have to say and learn from you all,I am but a Padawan to your Jedi or Sith Lord Powers lol

  2. Hello and good evening to all of you,my name Is Jason from Milwaukee,WI. I hope everyone on here is well and feeling great on this Thursday night. So like it says in my title, I am a noob when it comes to all of this awesome emulation stuff. With my tax return I purchased 2 plug n play out of the box,ready to go emulation stations. First one is a Raspberry Pi 3,not sure which version it is,all I know is I paid 140.00,it has 18000 games,all the handhelds,consoles up to ps 1 no gamecube or anything,older arcade stuff and old computers like armstrad and z81 spectrum along with amiga and c64,all run fine and smooth but there are a bunch of missing titles I want as well as a few of the computers don't load directly to the game and you have to mess with them and im totally out of my comfort zone and am worried I will mess up the entire emulator. I also purchased an Odroid XU4 emulator for 220.00,it has 48000 games, pretty much everything from Atari up till PlayStation 1 and all the arcade emulators as well as the computers, but once again there are some missing titles and also I would like to see if I could get some better set up systems or ...

    My questions to all of you much smarter people then I is this,I see all these loaded SD cards online with thousands and thousands of games that say plug in your system and play,and it lists versions of the raspberry pi or some other kind of emulators that it is compatible with so with the 2 systems that I have already can you help me towards which cards,if any,would be able to be used with my systems.

    Also I am interested in purchasing what I like to call the Be all end all emulator systems like I have been seeing online,built with a computer that can run more newer systems as well as having the better looks and all that cool stuff that comes with it. 

    I honestly cannot wait to hear back from as many of you that care to help me out and post some awesome answers to my questions. I am 42,an old school gamer that started with intellivision and Atari and hasn't stopped yet and thru all the new stuff my heart has always stayed back in the arcade early 1980's era up until and thru the 16 bit era and death of arcades in the USA. Anyways cant wait to see what you all have to say,have a great night!!!!!

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