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Daniel Andrade

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Posts posted by Daniel Andrade

  1. Hello all, I hope my question is in the right place.

    In the Bartop theme, is it possible to set a specific platform or playlist to horizontal view, putting the wheel on the bottom of the screen, instead of vertically, on the left? I'm setting my playlists ("Soccer Games", Super Mario", etc) with full screen custom videos, and the vertical setting in Bartop theme kinda kills the videos.


    Thanks everyone for such amazing work!

  2. Sorry if I'm digging up this topic, but I ran into this issue, and at least for me, the problem was that I had renamed the platform. LB imports GBA games as "NINTENDO GAME BOY ADVANCE", and I had changed it to "GAME BOY ADVANCE". I've solved it by adding an associated platform configuring Retroarch in LB, and called this new platform "GAME BOY ADVANCE", exactly as I renamed it, and choosing the correct core.

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