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Posts posted by BaeyoBlackbeard

  1. So i'm currently building my collection of games and came across ExoDos. Now I only want specific titles from this awesome collection rather than the whole thing but i'm having trouble integrating them into Launchbox (which is weird to me since the newer ExoDos comes with Launchbox). When I install a test game via Launchbox it gives me an error saying a bunch of the install files for that game are missing (the title I'm testing with is Aces of the Pacific if that matters).

    I naturally thought that maybe it was preconfigured to not need the install so I added it as a pre-installed game and that didn't work either. Am I missing something? Since I have Launchbox Premium (which has a complete DosBox built into it) I would assume nothing is missing there and that everything the game would need would be in its archive.. Any help or a link to a tutorial that deals specifically with games from ExoDos would be helpful as a typical tutorial for Dos games yielded no results. Cheers.

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