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Posts posted by AOR

  1. thank you for the detailed response. Today I made a new install of launch box on my 15 year old windows machine and it worked. I copied it all from the windows machine to the external drive. It boots and runs Launchbox fine. I am going to bring it home in a few days and try it on the Parallels VM and hope it works. I will post here once I have results to hopefully help others. 

  2. Thank you. I am out of town now. The external drive is formatted Exfat.

    I brought my external drive to connect to a genuine windows machine and it would not even load. My Windows machine may be to old to run it.

    I am trying to install it now after copying over the roms folder. The PC I am on is a core 2 processor.

    My Mac machine I am working on is Apple Silicone based so there is no option for a stand alone native installation with Bootcamp. I am forced to run as a VM.

    Good call on the period before the file name. I will check when I get back home.

  3. After trying this yesterday I tried launching lunchbox from the internal hard drive installed in my user profile folder which was working fine until I tried moving that file. It brought me to the screen to import ROMS. I then went to my external hard drive to delete the three failed attempts of the entire lunchbox folder and when I would right click then delete the folder it gave me several error messages something like the compressed file cannot be found. I tried 50 times or so SKIP SKIP SKIP and gave up so after dragging the file from the external hard drive to the recycling bin they deleted just fine. I used copy and paste to move the entire Launcbox folder from the internal hard drive to the external hard drive.


    Question 1 Did I install Launcbox in a location on the internal hard drive that is known to be issue free?

    Question 2 Did I move it to the external hard drive correctly? 

    Question 3 why did I get error messages about missing files when trying to delete them with right click and delete from the external drive?


    again this is running on a Mac using Parallels desktop 19 as a virtual machine


    thank you 


  4. I am using a Mac computer running parallels desktop 19. I am running Windows 11. I successfully installed everything onto the internal hard drive.  I have no issues running  Launcbox or playing games from the internal hard drive. I have copied and pasted the entire Launchbox directory to an external hard drive. When I launch the Launchbox application inside the external hard drive  I receive an error message.

    please see attached picture. I have tried moving the Launcbox entire folder a few times to the external hard drive. I have restarted the computer. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Thank you 



  5. Thank you!


    I moved the Rom folder and I put a fresh install of the most recent 0.211b  Mame 64 exe into the emulators folder. I unzipped it there.  I ran the MAME full set importer and  I see the art work in launch box but the games will not run . I did import the new location of the MAME emulator into lunchbox with the add emulator wizard 

    how exactly do I tell the Mame emulator the path to the rom files? I currently have the roms in the lunchbox games folder and the emulator in the emulator folder. The roms and the Mame program are not in the same folder as they would normally be installed by MAME 


  6. Hello I have been using Launchbox for about a week now and I am very impressed!

    I have everything working just fine but I want to do a cleaner install and to move my MAME ROM files  from another location on my hard drive to the Launchbox folder.

    I eventually plan to put all of the data onto a portable hard drive to use on other machines. I would like to move the MAME emulator and ROMS which are probably over 500 GB 

    is there a way to change the paths in Launchbox? Do I need to delete everything through launch box and re import the roms? I do know how to move the files to the correct locations in Launchbox 

    thank you!


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