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Everything posted by Knux

  1. Ah, you replied just as I did. Yes, this was the solutions. Thanks for all your help!
  2. I found the solution! In this thread: Someone had a different issue to mine, but someone suggested adding this line to the code: -a -i Runs fine now!
  3. I'm sorry, still getting the error. Could you share your settings so I can copy them?
  4. Doing this will now give the following error.
  5. To answer your question, if I run the emulator directly yes it will run different games properly. For example, I just ran Daytona on the emulator. Runs fine. Then tested Cotton 100. Runs fine. I go to Launchbox and try to run Marvel Super Heroes. It runs Cotton 100 (even after the line change you suggested).
  6. Okay so this fixed problem 1. The emulator runs automatically without needing to hit the blue play. BUT, problem 2 still persists. It will run whatever was the previous game I played, not whatever I clicked in the front end
  7. https://www.uoyabause.org/static_pages/download There are many platforms for this app. I believe the old name used to be Yabuse. As for does it support command lines, I wouldn't know? I apologize, I'm new to coding and modifying Launchbox. I think it does though? I saw a post here for this app about someone having issues running it in fullscreen and they provided a script to add which worked. I took the script off though until I could get it to ast least run a game first.
  8. Reposting here from the 'Noobs' subforum since I'm not entirely sure if this counts as troubleshooting or not. Hey, hopefully someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong. I've been trying to setup the standalone Sega Saturn emulator on Launchbox, but it will only load to a black screen. This is my first problem. I noticed the the emulator hasn't started "running". Notice the blue play button on the top left. The second problem, is that it's not even trying to run whatever game I select in LB, it will still remember and emulate the LAST game I played on the standalone emulator. For example, if I run Daytona USA by without LB, (by opening the emulator, File > Open ISO > gamefile > Open) it will run the game normally, no need to press the blue Play button. Now let's say I try to run Sonic R from the front end, I will get what you see in the image above. And clicking the blue play button will instead run Daytona USA (or whatever the last game I played was). There are no scripts. Yaba Sanshiro 2 v1.9.3 Launchbox ver. 13.8
  9. Ah, thanks for the answer.
  10. I have marked this game for deletion twice, and it was approved both times. Yet it still remains. https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/135241 It's a copy of https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/135242
  11. Hey guys, When I scrape the media for Jet Grind Radio, it finds 26 files. This game has multiple different CDs/Box covers. But after clicking OK and checking back, it only shows 12 images. Now only showing one image for each image type. Instead of 3 different CDs, Box fronts/backs, it will only show one. Previously, launchbox would show all the images on the side and would randomly cycle through the different Cd covers or boxes if I hit F5 or change to a different platform then back to Dreamcast. I would really like it to keep all images, can someone help me with this? I'm not sure if I changed a setting or if this was a recent update. edit: Same thing happens if I try to add images manually
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