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  1. I am trying to set up MAME in launchbox to play non-arcade games (ie computers and consoles). When I try to scan the games folder for roms, Launchbox doesnt see anything in there even though there are lots of games in there. I only get this issue which trying to import stuff for MAME, other emulators work fine. I am not using and dont want to use software lists. Any ideas?
  2. I tried the default parameters as above but got mame loading - it said initialising, loading machine then went off. I also checked the games launching tab and confirmed its pointing to the right place.
  3. I tried with JoeViking235's 1st suggestion (editing the ini) but this made no difference so I tried the second one (remove the last slash) and I get a mame window briefly appear with initialising on it but then it disappears again. I can confirm that the bios file is in the rompath folder (and the normal MAME roms folder). If I open a command window and type g:\emulators\arcade\mame\mame64.exe electron -rompath "G:\emulators\acorn\electron\games" - cass "g:\emulators\acorn\electron\games\FULLGAMENAME" the game loads fine and works perfectly. I just cant seem to get the same thing to work in Launchbox. I am quite familiar with running stuff from CMD but just cant figure out whats wrong here.
  4. I cant seem to get this working for Acorn Electron games Here are my settings - the full command on the 2nd page is:- electron -rompath "G:\Emulators\Acorn\Electron\Games\" -cass
  5. I know the command line to use as I have got it working using MAME, however something is getting lost in translation when I try to do the same command in launchbox so I wanted to see what command line launchbox is actually sending so I can see where I have gone wrong.
  6. Hi I am trying to add some of the more obscure platforms to Launchbox using MAME but I'm not able to get them to work (although if I use the command line to launch Mame and the game it does work). Is it possible to see what the exact command line Launchbox is using to play a game so I can see where I am going wrong?
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