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  1. during the import process of mame roms, i onkly checked this two boxes: box and snapshot.... once the process has finished, in the main menu of arcade several games are without image... box and snapshot are not enough? i'd like to avoid to charge the system with files i won't use....
  2. fixed!!!!!!!!! so: windows was not updated, and windows update didn't work.... i forced upgrade using wsus, 101 upgrades avaiable... restart and here we have launchbox working!!!!!
  3. great!!!☺️☺️☺️
  4. so, i think I will use an "external" version of mame (only for a reason of compatibility with the romset that i have), and then i will use retroarch for all orthers emulator.... could it be right?
  5. ok, it's clear, thanx!!
  6. i mean: i see that most of you use retroarch with Lb... the question is: is it necessary or it's only for convenience? for example, assuming tha i will use LB only for mame and other few consoles emulator (md, nes, snes), do i have to use retroarch or can i use specific stand alone emulator (for example the ones that LB suggests)?
  7. Tried, but..... It doesn't work..... ?
  8. That's weird, just installed. Net too.... However, I'll try!!
  9. hi evenrybody; specs: windows 7 32 bit just installed; launchbox premium just bought; installation crashes... this is the message that appears at the crash: Nome evento problema: CLR20r3 Firma problema 01: LaunchBox.exe Firma problema 02: Firma problema 03: 5d9ccde6 Firma problema 04: mscorlib Firma problema 05: 4.8.3928.0 Firma problema 06: 5d39000b Firma problema 07: 426b Firma problema 08: 12 Firma problema 09: System.IO.FileNotFoundException Versione SO: 6.1.7601. ID impostazioni locali: 1040 Informazioni aggiuntive 1: 0a9e Ulteriori informazioni 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 Ulteriori informazioni 3: 0a9e Ulteriori informazioni 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789 suggests? thanxxxxx!!!!!
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