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Aros Kisne

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Posts posted by Aros Kisne

  1. In addition, I only posted so that other people who may have noticed this discrepancy wouldn't bother trying and get upset or annoyed and want a full refund and spend no money at all because I'm sure there are other people who would do that. I mean , in this entire time they could have updated the page as well to reflect it but I mean it is only 1 day so I guess why bother which is fair. Hopefully next year they'll remember to add that little bit of extra info :D

  2. In reply to Dos: I mean yeah I know after spending money. If it had been up front and clear then

    1. I would have just bought the forever license straight up.

    2. Wouldn't have even bothered posting in the first place.

    I don't see how I'm the bad guy, and I'm not saying they're the bad guy either, for pointing out a flawed system that lacked on information. I mean I'm sure I could get a refund and then just buy the forever but even then at that rate, I can just wait until tomorrow and pay the full $30 anyways, which again, wouldn't have bothered if it was clear ?‍♂️

  3. Yeah a lot of people make basic mistakes like this when they put out deals for the day. Like, it takes a few extra seconds to add an asterisk saying hey, you can't do this. It's really not that hard.

    Also it's really not circumventing the sales because it's not my fault they didn't think it through and let's be real, there are THREE WHOLE OPTIONS right on the same page one after another. It's not like other people who have pages and pages of items to go through where you have to put work in to "scam" or "circumvent" the sellers of a product. Hence why it really should be stated that you can't combine the 1 year license and the forever upgrade.

  4. Just a heads up. You can't buy a normal license today and then upgrade to a forever license as well. Even though NOWHERE (as far as the mobile version goes) does it say you won't be able to do this. Anyone with half a brain would go, oh, normal license for $10, upgrade to forever $20 but a flat out forever license is $40? Guess I'll just buy the other two today since it doesn't say I can't. Kind of annoyed and disappointed

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