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Posts posted by Alumriel

  1. 3 hours ago, faeran said:

    LaunchBox just uses the Microsoft built-in directx controller support, so there must be some miscommunication happening between that particular controller and directx.

    You could try a third party controller mapping program that would convert your inputs into an emulated xinput controller. I've had good luck with x360ce in the past.

    The wheel is detected just fine in Forza Horizon 5, and other games, on the same PC, and is shown in dxdiag. The problem only exists in Launchbox, so I'm a bit skeptical of the conclusion that the problem exists outside of Launchbox.

    I'm going to submit a bug for this.

    Screenshot 2022-05-30 105104.png

  2. 21 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    Yeah, unfortunately it's not possible to move images from the drawable folder to that folder, because they're not included with the application. They're downloaded from the games database, so those folders aren't even relevant. There are a few other things to try in that thread, but unfortunately I'm doubtful that they'll make any difference. Worth a shot though.

    Fair enough. Good luck. 😃

  3. Sorry, I should have been more clear. I meant the versions of the rom dumps, not the entire set being playable. Meaning that, if you use the latest MAME rom set with FBNeo, you shouldn’t get any errors that the checksum of the rom is wrong, due to the rom dump being newer than what FBNeo expects.

  4. It was my understanding that FBNeo uses the same romset as current MAME. At least, that's what I thought I saw a developer say in a post somewhere a while back, on reddit.

    I use both FBNeo and MAME and just use the current MAME rom set (from Pleasuredome). I have MAME set as my default emulator, but switch to FBNeo on a per-game basis, if MAME doesn't run the game well.

  5. On 5/11/2022 at 4:13 PM, Jason Carr said:

    That's odd. I'm guessing maybe there might be a corrupt image or video download for that game. Can you try deleting all media associated with that game?

    I'm having the same problem. I've repeatedly cleared out ALL media, roms, etc and started over from scratch.

    EDIT - Debug log attached. (looks like a bitmap is too large - even though I didn't control where the bitmap came from - I assume it's coming from a launchbox server)

    "2022-04-27 04:55:46 PM DISPLAYED EXCEPTION: Canvas: trying to draw too large(127955808bytes) bitmap."

    Device - Ayn Odin Pro

    OS - Android 10

    Debug 2022-04-27 04-54-39 PM.log

  6. Well, MAME can work perfectly fine with both Retroarch and Launchbox on Android. I'm using it myself. I switch between MAME and Final Burn Neo depending on the game.
    The critical part for arcade games is that the rom set needs to match the version of MAME you're using. Meaning, if you're using MAME 2003, you need a rom set specifically for MAME 2003 (which is based on the 0.78 build).

    My setup in Launchbox:
    Default Emulator - RetroArch (64-bit sideloaded)
    Default Core - mamearcade_libretro_android.so (or fbneo_libretro_android.so depending on the game)

    Note - The MAME choice maps to the "Arcade (MAME - Current)" core in Retroarch, which I use because I have a relatively powerful CPU (Snapdragon 845) - older chips should maybe use older MAME cores, or else the experience might be choppy
    The "MAME - Current" core is based on fairly recent build of MAME (maybe 0.239), so I'm using roms from that set, not an older set.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  7. I'm having a little difficulty understanding your problem, so I apologize if I don't quite understand.

    Note that this for is specifically for the Android version of Launchbox. Are you using Android? or a Windows PC?

    Also, neogeo games are just a small subset of all games you can run in MAME. Have you tried running games that aren't neogeo based? There are literally thousands.

    Lastly, have you tried using Final Burn Neo? This is another emulator core (like MAME) that runs many arcade games, including neogeo.

    • Like 1
  8. 22 hours ago, Jason Carr said:

    Most likely this was caused by a bug with a previous version, I think. There actually isn't a way to refresh the cache on Android (because the cache doesn't really work that way).

    To fix it, you should be able to delete the platform, but choose the option not to delete any media. Then just re-import the platform, and all the media should show up. Let me know if that doesn't fix the issue. If it doesn't, then we probably have a bug that I'm unaware of.

    Unfortunately, this did not work.
    However, I re-did it and deleted all folders I was given the option to delete (including media), then things seem to be fine now.
    Odd, but I only have around 700 games, so not a huge deal.

    On a possibly related note - when trying to view "Raiden", Launchbox crashes.
    If I skip past it quickly to other games, including Raiden sequels (like Raiden DX), they display fine.

    This is even with a "clean" install of the platform.
    Debug log attached. (looks like a bitmap is too large - even though I didn't control where the bitmap came from - I assume it's coming from a launchbox server)

    Debug 2022-04-27 04-54-39 PM.log

    • Like 1
  9. Now that I have an Odin handheld, I'm using the android version of Launchbox in earnest.

    I don't know if this is a bug or what, but I've noticed that after downloading media for all my games, the "Clear Logo Image" (which I think is what replaces the name of the game in the "scroll list") isn't showing for some games, even though I know the media exists.
    When I go to "edit data", it shows "None" for the "Clear Logo Image", HOWEVER, I can open that option and view the image.
    Any idea what's going on here?
    At least half my arcade games are like this.

    Details (which may not matter):
    Odin Pro handheld
    Android 10
    Launchbox v1.1

    Images attached to show what I mean.




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