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Posts posted by Gaelion

  1. On 1/28/2023 at 1:40 AM, JoeViking245 said:

    Huh.  I'll be daw gon.  Helps if I click on the High Score tab (on the LB theme I'm using) to see them. lol

    Two possibilities I can think of.

    1)  Somehow LB and hi2txt know about galaga88 and you didn't get on your local high scores (where you get to enter your initials)

    2)  Shad8w noticed the discrepancy in the hi2txt.zip and changed galaxy99 to galaxy88 (inside the zip).


    I'm not good enough to get on my local high scores to be able to test it.  And the thing is, if you rename galaga99.xml to galaga88.xml, you need to launch the game from LB AND get onto you local high schore.  Older high scores won't get uploaded.


    Thanks for the tips!
    I have changed galaga99 to galaga88 in the zip, and played a few games (getting a new local high score a couple of times), but it does not get recorded on the Launchbox hiscores 😐
    I understand there is no LaunchBox official support for hiscore recording for Galaga88 then, and so the hiscore by Shad8w that shows LaunchBox is kind of a "bug"?

  2. 19 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:

    Not currently. We may add something like that in the future, but unfortunately we have more priority things to tackle for the high scores currently.

    Thanks for the quick reply.
    Hope it gets added at some point :)
    In the meantime I can still launch the game directly from MAME for those games where I prefer using savestates over uploading highscores.

  3. On 4/17/2020 at 12:44 AM, Jason Carr said:

    If you enable saving high scores, it disables save states, because of course that enables all kinds of cheating. You should be able to use save states again if you disable uploading high scores.

    Is there an option to disable uploading high scores on a per game basis so i can still use savestates on some games? Maybe a command line option?

    I don't want to disable it globally because there are indeed many games in which I like to upload my highscores. 

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