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Posts posted by Kamlonious

  1. 3 hours ago, neil9000 said:

    The Android app is a seperate thing, and i believe the fact that you have already purchased it on Android that Bigbox will be added free of charge. However the price may increase at that point for new purchases as it will be a far more feature packed product at that point.

    Awesome it pays off to be an early adopter!!! Thanks for the response!

  2. On 2/26/2020 at 11:56 AM, Jason Carr said:

    We're working on three things at the moment: the first Big Box-style games view, editing game metadata, and easy data folder changing. Hoping to get a new version out in the next couple of weeks, but we're doing some big stuff so it's taking a while.

    Jason thank you for updating me and letting us know where we are at with the Android version. It means a lot for you to take time out and respond back to my questions. Love this community and being apart of it and I will continue to support you guys. Oh one other thing with Big Box features coming to Android eventually if we already have our paid license will that translate over to the Android version I know that's kind of a we will know when we finally get to the launch of Androids Big Box feature set but it doesn't hurt to ask if it would be included in with PC license or a separate license since Android is a different platform. Either way I would gladly re-up and grab a separate license for android if that's what you guys decide to do. And as as a side note I'm really excited about big box especially as desktop modes for phones are becoming more popular and being developed for more and the power of high end devices and emulation is getting amazing. I'm excited for the future and am very proud and happy to be apart of the LaunchBox community thanks for everything Jason.

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  3. Hey Jason,

    As always I love Launchbox and I'm eagerly awaiting new updates for Android got any hints of when the next update for Android will be and I was wondering will we see game descriptions in the near future?

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