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Everything posted by rastaman1201

  1. Thanks for the info....still new to this whole thing...not sure how I missed that!
  2. So BB will play game themes just fine, "arcade" has some theme video files in the videos directory, no video files in "trailer" folder for any system. Looks like I'm having a problem downloading the trailers. Will those auto download with meta data downloads?
  3. Ok, found the setting, I ticked "show videos" in options/visuals/game details, and still a no go. I will try to re-download all meta data over night to see if it will grab the videos now based on the new settings.
  4. Hey, No the game doesn't play in LB when I select a game, I see game details, screen shots and fan art. I set LB to use VLC like BB and I also ticked "auto play videos" under "View" in LB but nothing. I tried downloading BB videos in meta data again and that didnt add any videos. Looks like LB isnt downloading the videos...? Sounds like there is a setting to set videos to play in LB, cant seem to find it. Thanks for your help.
  5. This is in Big Box. where would the videos be located? In Launch Box videos folder? There is nothing in that folder or any other folder in Launch Box. I downloaded the meta data for all games through LB tools-download meta data and media..do I need to do something more? My NVIDIA video driver is up to date. Do I need to update VLC with more codecs? Thanks for your help.
  6. Hi guys, My game videos don't play in each game menu screen anymore, it displays the first frame of the video and thats it...? Ive tried different themes and they all do the same thing. I have VLC selected as the player. I tried windows 10 media player but with that one I get a black screen with. Any tips or ideas? Thanks
  7. Figured it out! thanks for pointing me in the right direction! I didnt realize there was a drop down for diff cores in edit emulator.
  8. I tried right clicking on the game and selecting launch with..then select retroarch and then it shows the core mupen64pluslibretro...and not the core mupen64plus_next_libretro. So how do i change that? Reload N64 roms and readd retroarch as the emulator?
  9. Thanks for the response. Did you mean Launchbox instead of Retroarch? Launchbox says the core is missing?
  10. Hi, Having a problem with mupen64plus-next core in retroarch working in launchbox. N64 games play fine in retroarch with mupen but when I select a game to play in Launchbox it doesnt do anything. And I have N64 games set for retroarch in launchbox. I have read some other posts about it but could not find a solution to my issue. Running win 10 x64, radeon rx 570. Thanks
  11. Think I got it, I switched the video player from VLC to windows, and it worked. Which is weird because I have VLC installed on my PC.
  12. Hi, Thanks for the response. I followed the install instructions and it didn't mention I needed to do that. Been looking around on how to exactly do that? Sorry Im a noob, just got a license for BigBox yesterday.
  13. :{ ok, thanks for the response
  14. Hi I currently have unified ultra wide set as my main theme but get a black screen with no sound. I do get the wheel of fortune to select game systems on the right side. I have been trying different settings with no luck. does anyone know how to get it to work? Thanks
  15. I have 4 separate control boards for my 4 different joysticks and buttons on my arcade. When I try to set a button command for big box controls such as for play, exit, back, page up, page down, volume, etc. , big box sets them as button 1, button 2, etc. on all the control boards so they all do the same task. For example, if i set button 1 on control board 1 for "play" , all button 1's for all the control boards will also do the same thing. Is there a way to have big box recognize the different control boards so all the same numbered buttons wont be assigned the same task? Thanks
  16. Oh duh....thanks! I looked at that menu before just not good enough!
  17. by the way how did how did you get to that second menu in your description that has the "launcher" tab...is that in big box?
  18. Thank you! I got it to work!
  19. Hi Im using Citra for 3DS games and citra in Retroarch doesnt work well. So Im trying to create a new emulator in Launchbox using citra-qt.exe. Citra-qt.exe seems to work well. I am stuck on the command line needed to load the games. I have the following in the command line: citra-qt.exe "Y:\roms\nintendo 3DS games\". I get an invalid rom error, however if i load a game from the same location in the citra drop down menu, the game loads just fine? Any help would be much appreciated!
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