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  1. Just a couple quick questions for you guys. First, when I exit a game in bigbox it always mutes my system which at the moment isn't an issue since I still have my keyboard in front of me while testing things out but once I am finished with the setup I don't want to have to keep my keyboard on hand if I don't need it for a game. Is there a setting that I missed somewhere or is this a bug of some kind? Second question, It doesn't happen all the time but I would say roughly 40% of the time when I exit a gamecube game to go back to bigbox the emulator window will stay open and cause issues where it won't let me actually go back to bigbox or just make my screen black and I have to reboot to fix the problem. Shouldn't the emulator automatically close when you exit back to bigbox? Is there some command or option that I need to use to make sure that this happens?
  2. Are you using a DolphinBar for your Wiimotes? I have both my DS4 controllers set up through my laptop bluetooth and I also have a DolphinBar set up so if I plan on using my Wiimotes I can. I have not seen any issues with either controller. If you have Dolphin set to use a real Wiimote then it will default to that when you boot a game and if you boot something that uses the DS4 controller it should default to that. If you are not using a DolphinBar I highly suggest getting one, having a usb powered bluetooth dongle that doubles as a sensor bar is great and it is fairly easy to set up.
  3. I would like to thank you for that link, it fixed the issue that I was having with retroarch. I will have to keep that link saved in case I forget about those settings and have issues again. Again thank you!
  4. So I uninstalled retroarch completely and reinstalled it. Still having the same issue, I was having this same issue on my desktop which is one of the reasons I switched to the laptop ( I had tested retroarch on my laptop when I was trying to figure out what was going on with the desktop) but this is of course before I updated my GPU drivers. I don't get it, is anyone else running a 1050Ti having strange issues with retroarch?
  5. Yea, this is the same issue I was having with my desktop and nothing I did there would fix the stutter problems either. I have gone through them but I will go through again, maybe I missed something. Yea no luck and now retroarch is in some sort of messed up basic mode or something with green text and whatnot.
  6. I am about done trying to deal with retroarch. I switched over from my desktop to my laptop because retroarch was running smooth on the laptop when trying to emulate ps1 and I was having no luck on my desktop it was all choppy and I couldn't figure out what was going on. Now on my laptop I was just about complete getting everything all set inside Bigbox, the only system I had left was the Wii using Dolphin. So I start working with it to get everything set up and notice that I am getting terrible lag running any wii games. Checking my video drivers first I notice that they are out of date (seems I hadn't updated them in almost 2 years) so I update my drivers and wii works like a dream, however now the blasted retroarch is doing the same thing it was doing on my desktop being all laggy and choppy and not just with the ps1 games but everything(NES, SNES, Gameboy Advance) and these should not be having any trouble. So I started trying out standalone emulators for the nintendo systems and they are all working fine. Just retroarch is being a pain since I updated my drivers. Does anyone have any advice for me? I am seriously about to just drop retroarch altogether because of these problems.
  7. So I am in the process of setting up my emulation system on my laptop for mobility purposes and also because it seems to be the only way I can use my PS4 controllers wirelessly. I am at the moment setting up retroarch for certain systems and am having an issue where the PS4 controller doesn't always function inside retroarch but it works inside steam, I know this because if I hit the PS button on the controller it will open steams big screen window and the controller will navigate it without issue. I guess my question is: is it possible to change the function of the PS button on the controller so that it doesn't open steam since once I have everything set up I will be running exclusively in BigBox with all my steam and other PC games alongside my emulation stuff? I haven't done any testing yet with disc swapping while inside bigbox and running games through the retroarch emulator either, will using the button combo that I set for retroarch to get to the menu to switch discs interfere with bigbox at all? I know this is kinda all over the place but these forums have been so much more helpful than any others on the internet for me. Thanks in advance.
  8. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you, but I tried a couple things. First I tried reinstalling retroarch on the boot drive of my pc to see if maybe the speed of the drive was causing problems, it wasn't I had the same issues there. So I figured I would try installing it on my laptop which unfortunately is a pretty good step up from my pc so kinda not a good test but it worked fine there. system specs for laptop are: intel i7 7700HQ 2.8GHz 16 GB DDR4 RAM Nvidia GTX 1050Ti not sure what to make of this issue.
  9. Changed settings accordingly and it changed nothing for me. Nope don't use shaders, at least not until I can get the base settings working right. I downloaded Mednafen standalone and I am not sure how to get it working, checked the website and there is a lot going on there. Seems like a much more complicated emulator than I am capable of learning in a few minutes. It doesn't seem to load when I run the application file. *edit* Ok so I figured out how to get the game loaded with a quick google search. and low and behold it works perfectly fine with the standalone emulator, not a single hiccup. Did a quick test inside launchbox to make sure I can get the standalone running there and now I just have to learn more about the emulator to get the settings right (i.e. fullscreen, disc swapping and controls) if you have any advice for these settings I would appreciate it. I will have to come back to this later as I have some things to take care of. Thank you again for all your assistance, hopefully I won't run into more issues like this with other emulators.
  10. Tried Vulkan and Gl video drivers
  11. pretty sure the core is up to date, they can be updated within retroarch right? I will double check but I am sure I updated them before starting.
  12. As of right now they are back to default settings, I just tested the other Beetle core to see if it changed anything and it still is doing the same thing. *Edit* Just ran task manager while the game was running in retroarch and CPU never went above 14% GPU never went above 15% RAM was pretty constant at about 10% usage so there aren't any bottlenecks there. Like I said these games run flawlessly in epsxe and I have the settings in that emulator bumped up for better graphics quality. Just doesn't make sense why it's doing this.
  13. Hey all, I have been driving myself crazy the last few days with this issue. Really hoping I can get some help here. I have been trying to set up launchbox and get everything running smoothly but I ran into a problem with multidisk games on ps1. I did some research and found that epsxe does not support easy swapping of discs from inside launchbox ( I am looking for the easiest, most intuitive methods possible since my wife and children will be using this when it is complete). I decided to test the waters in retroarch for my multidisk games but when I run the games through Beetle HW core they are choppy and laggy to the point of being unplayable. I tried tweaking some of the settings withing retroarch to fix this but have had no luck, so I went to the libretro forums to ask for help but it will not let me post anything there for some reason. What doesn't make sense to me is that the games I am testing in Beetle I have also tested in epsxe and they run fine there. It is like night and day. Please help. For reference my system specs: Intel i5 4460 3.2GHz 16GB DDR3 RAM Nvidia GTX 1050Ti windows 10 64bit All my drivers are updated
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