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  1. I just connected my GoG account with LaunchBox, and I love the feature! However, some of the games don't have any art for the 3D Box Art. Very surprising ones, at that. Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Master of Magic, Might and Magic III Complete, etc. Is there a way to create box art for these or can they be downloaded somewhere else? The games themselves have all of the game info and data--even images--but no box art. Thanks!
  2. Just tested Galaga 88 out in LB--same sound issues. Identical, actually. I'm currently installing LB on my main PC with much better specs to test it out. I'm sure it's likely the dated processor. Since it sounds perfectly fine when running directly through MAME so it's not the rom or the MAME version. I'll post back my results. EDIT: Just ran it on my main PC and it runs/sounds perfect. I had Windows 7 installed with Hyperspin on MAME PC, and I upgraded to Windows 10 prior to installing LB and BB. The AMD FX-6100 is fully supported in Windows 10, but I'm sure LB and BB add quite a strain to the system. I likely have additional memory modules for my MAME PC lying around, so I may try adding some RAM to see if that helps. I do have a dedicated video card, thank goodness, even though it's old, as well. It's a GeForce GTX550Ti. If the memory doesn't do the trick I'll likely just buy a new processor/MB. I don't want to steal parts from any of my gaming PCs. Any recommendations? Do LB and BB have any CPU brand preferences? I really love the Threadripper CPUs, and have used them in my last few gaming PCs. I know that's overkill for this, however. Will a 3 or 5 series CPU from AMD or Intel be adequate? Those can be found along with a decent mobo for $200'ish, and I have plenty of DDR4/DDR5 memory modules I can use. I think DDR5 is only required for 7 series processors and above...?
  3. Yup--I built this PC to run an arcade cabinet and emulators, which have very low system requirements. I was concerned when I moved to Hyperspin, but it ran it incredibly well. I actually put a door on the back of the huge cabinet and when when you open it you have access to the MB, which is mounted on the door itself. It may be time for a new MB and cpu. As far as my HDD's, they're relatively new. The OS resides on a SSD, and the emulator files are on a 2 TB drive. It's not a SSD, but at least it's a 7200 rpm drive and not 5400 rpm. (All drives are SATA--no drives connected via USB, etc.). I could buy a 2 TB SSD since they're very common and reasonable now, but I think this issue would more likely lie with the cpu/ram. Once the ROM is loaded I can't imagine drive access being a bottleneck. I can't recall if I've tried running it from LB. I did run a game or two in LB before jumping to BB, but I don't think Galaga was one of them. I'll give it a shot this evening.
  4. Found the parameters and everything looks innocuous. I can copy and paste the contents later today, if needed. I haven't changed them, so i assume it's the standard parameters.
  5. Will do. I'm new to BB and LB, so let me see if I can find where to do that. Also--something that came to mind. My MAME cab is run by an AMD FX-6100 processor on an ASRock 990FX Extreme 3 MB with integrated sound. I *think* the system has 4 GB of memory (have to double-check) and I just upgraded to Windows 10. I'm not sure how memory intensive BB is, but could it be that running it through BB is taking too many system resources for my setup?
  6. Hi, all. I just purchased and installed BigBox on my MAME cabinet. During the transition to the new frontend I installed the new 0.251 roms and MAME. I loaded up my favorite game (Galaga 88) and immediately noticed issues with the sound. While playing the sound "stutters" or skips every few seconds. This happened every single time I played the game (20-30 times) yesterday. I thought it may be due to the new roms and/or MAME, so I ran MAME directly and played Galaga 88. It ran perfectly with no sound issues. Does anyone have any idea what may be causing the issue?
  7. Sorry to double-post, but I think I found the solution. MAMEUI automatically created the mame.ini file, but you can also create it with "regular" MAME by browsing to the MAME folder via the command line utility and typing "mame -createconfig". This creates the mame.ini file, and inside of this file is where you can set the default controller configuration file. I *think* you then need to copy that file to the ini directory within MAME (or at least that's where it was located in my old setup). I'm going to give it a shot and see if it works.
  8. Joe--Thanks! I haven't tinkered with system settings in probably 7 or 8 years, but it's slowly coming back to me. I went into the MAME directory created by LaunchBox when setting up MAME automatically. I always used MAMEUI in my setups and inside of that software I could actually go into the settings and choose my controller (I have the slikstikquad controller config file). Doing this automatically set the controller variable in mame.ini to the slikstikquad. However... in the ini directory in the MAME setup by LaunchBox there is no mame.ini file. How do I set up the default controller without this? Should I download MAMEUI to do this? Is it still available for v251 of MAME? The version of MAME I was using before was (I think) v110.
  9. Hi, all. New user to BigBox here. I have a 4-player SlikStik cabinet from back in the day, and I have always used Hyperspin as my front end. I decided to switch over to BB for many reasons, and thus-far I'm very impressed. However, I do need a little assistance setting up my controls with BB. For those not familiar with the SlikStik controller, it uses an IPAC device that basically maps keyboard keys to the joysticks and button on the control panel. My particular control panel has the following: Joysticks for players 1, 2, 3 and 4, seven buttons for each player (28 in total), a "player" button for each player (player 1, player 2, etc.), a coin button for each player, two pause buttons, pinball buttons on the side, dedicated hyperspace buttons, a flight stick, spinner (for tempest, etc), a dedicated 4-ways stick for pacman, etc., and a trackball. Lots going on with this controller. I've attached a picture to help with the description. I have made my way to the keyboard mappings area in BB. That all works very well. However, what I can't seem to find is the mapping for the controller *in-game*. Essentially--setting it up so each player has different controls in-game. Is that something I still have to set up inside of MAME, or is that function automated within LaunchBox/BigBox? Thanks!
  10. Lou--Thanks!!! I'll PM you in a bit. Regarding a screen that's turned vertical, it should still play games like PacMan, etc., correct? It just shrinks to fit the width of the screen. Or so I thought...
  11. Hi, all. I have a SlikStik quad cab (if anyone remembers those--it may have been the last one shipped before they closed in 2006) with a 27" multi-mode Wells Gardner arcade monitor. The monitor is capable of 1024x768, but looks best at 800x600. I'm currently using Hyperspin as my front end, but it can be a bit glitchy and buggy. LaunchBox interests me because of the continuing updates, and IMHO, it's well worth the cost moving to Big Box. However, I've mainly found installs to be on PC's and higher resolution screens. Before taking the time to install and migrate everything over, will LaunchBox/Big Box look gook/work well with my setup? I'm assuming it also works with quad joysticks, trackballs and spinners...? Has anyone on here that has used Hyperspin give me their opinion vs LaunchBox/Big Box, as well as any recommendations, tips or tricks moving from one to the other? I've thought for quite some time now about updating my MAME cab to an LED Screen, but it was built around a 4:3 screen and will require some modifications to make it fit properly. I may eventually move to a 16:9 placed vertically, but would like to go with what I have for now. If I do migrate to a vertical 16:9, will Launchbox work with a vertical display? Any input would be appreciated!
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