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Everything posted by curb

  1. Well I ordered 4 zero delay encoders and they were delivered today so I setup player 1 and 2 super easy. Then I saw these replies so I connected up 3 joysticks and start/coin/b for players 1, 3, and 4. I restarted the PC, opened big box, launched metal slug, then went into the Retroarch menu. All my bindings are showing as what I set them too, except for player 2, its just --, maybe because I don't have any one that connected to the ipac? I noticed that under User Device Index (3rd down from the top of the player input menu) it says disabled. I have it set to allow 6 players in the main inputs menu. I start turtles in time, and all the controls...................work. I connect all 34 buttons and 4 joysticks and they all work. Very strange, the only thing I did differently was connect 2 zero delay encoders and then connected the ipac 4 up again, I even have auto configure disabled. I'm glad it's working but I wish I knew what the hell the problem was cause I'm giving this cabinet to someone and I don't want it to happen again. I'm trying to learn all these different software but it almost seems like there is a random factor at play here. On the plus side I have 4 more encoders to use for a bartop!
  2. Hello, So I've been searching everywhere for a solution to this. I decided to ask here because it seems this is a very active and knowledgeable community. I have an Ipac 4 wired up to some buttons and 4 joysticks. So I set inputs for all 4 players through the Retroarch GUI, making sure not to set any keys to ones that are already assigned to other functions. I saved the config and pull up retroarch.cfg to double check, and it has all my binding. I can control Big Box with player one, great, get into a game and I can play with player 1, but not any of the other 3 players. If i open up Notepad all the buttons type out the keys I mapped through Ultimarcs Winipac. So people said make sure not to have another keyboard attached, restart, then plug in iPac 4. still no dice. I turned off auto config in Retroarch to make sure my bindings are not being remapped. I manually save the config and restart. And this may not be related, when I start a game at the bottom is still says configuration override. The Libretro forum has a post of a guy saying that no matter Retroarch will display that and he can play with his Ipac 2. I'm really having a hell of a time finding anyone with this problem, which tells me I'm probably missing something super obvious. Before I built my cabinet a lot of my research said an iPac 4 was the way to go. Anyone have any suggestions? Would 4 zero delay encoders work easier?
  3. Well as I said, I'm new to all of this so used a no intro collection just so I can get to playing, though I am doing a from scratch build on my main pc to learn more about it. So I'm gathering you're meaning launchbox will do all that for me? Cause I'll start reading up on that then cause multiple things doing the same thing is just stupid and obviously causes issues. This has all been slow going for me cause every little thing i do breaks something and then Im reading up on how it works so I can fix it.
  4. Well I looked through my emulators, fiddled, no dice. Then i notice there was double load screen graphics when loading games so maybe rocket launcher is doing something so I disable the load screens from rocket launcher and enable the ones in big box and now it's working. Too many options all over the place!
  5. Well I'm basically only using 2, mame and retroarch. The one i tried is a neo geo through retroarch. I can try others
  6. Hello, So this is my first real go at building an arcade cabinet and I went with a no intro collection to just get the ball rolling. Everything I have tried to play so far through launchbox has worked great. So i decided to pay for big box and the games launch but don't become the active window. Not sure if that's the correct tech terminology but when I alt tab I can see the emulator playing the game as an option but it won't even let me switch to it through alt tabbing, i can just see it in the list of windows. To double check myself, I closed big box, opened launchbox, and tried to open the same game. It launched fine and I can play it. So anyone have any idea what I'm missing? I tried something from a similar-ish post and turn off the startup screens but it didn't help.
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