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  1. After the above this is next.. Same thing with sorting folders, etc I have Nintendo 64 roms ready that I stripped all the non English/unplayable titles so may just do that first as Atari800/ST will take ages. Just as a thank you basically. Will rar/zip roms after and upload to Mega.NZ ready for anyone else if needed as I do need practice with Launchbox first.
  2. Thanks for that. Will help a lot. I'm just sorting through ALL the variations of disk images and sorting into seperate folders. i.e. Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland (1986)(ArgoSoft Software)(Side A)[req OSb][BASIC] and Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland (1986)(ArgoSoft Software)(Side B)[req OSb][BASIC] will end up in 1 folder called Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland (1986)(ArgoSoft Software)[req OSb][BASIC] Then I'll reduce even further when "W" folder is sorted through into each version which works best. Basically I'm stripping down the TOSEC into the smallest available working "package" so it will be easier to work on after with Launchbox. Will be adding video's and screenshots for each game too. As you know there are k-file, [a], etc for most games.. That's what I'm sorting through at the moment with multi disk games. just seperating them into their own folder and it's fun.. lol Once again, many thanks for your art. That will save a LOT of time. I'll be doing this for ALL Atari models except for Atari Jaguar CD.. I don't have that Tosec "yet". Atari ST is going to be fun as very similiar folder setup as Atari 800 disks.. hehe P.S. Got Launchbox installed but not done a thing with it yet. Doing this comes first so as to help community out and hopefully make it easier to include. Will post links for Launchbox add-ons when completed when I know what can be added or not into Launchbox.
  3. Thanks for fixing link. Works fine now.?
  4. Just thought I'd mention that when on the Games DB page the link to forums is incorrect. This is the link it tries to go to https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum Any other links that anyone has noticed incorrect? Sorry if in wrong forum but unsure whether to put it on forum or contact admin via e-mail/message?
  5. It's a big job anyway.. lol
  6. I can help with Atari 800. I do own ALL the Tosec collection. ATR, CAS, XEX, etc What help do you need? I'll start at Z and work down. Have you got an example of what is required? I did have an Atari 800XL with disk drive in the '80s so I do know my around the machine too. 55 yo but still can't beat the Atari range of computers for programming on. Yet to install Launchbox but I do know my around the other emulators for the Atari range. Let me know anyway.. Dave.
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