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sinihes's Achievements

4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. SOLVED!!! $Esc:: { Send ! {Button7} Send ! {Button8} } Thank you very much for everyone´s help. Muchas gracias a todos por la ayuda.
  2. When you press buttons, Start and Select, emulator windows closes.?? (cuando apreta los botones start y Select, se le cierra la ventana del emulador?)
  3. Nothing!!? The emulation Xenia pass from fullscreen to windover, pressing the buttons on the remote control Xbox.
  4. that it does not work like ?
  5. Is a that option in the Launchbox program? Options/ Legacy?
  6. What I want is for it to work with the Xbox console controller
  7. Hi all. First, sorry for to write bad in einglish. My problema is with emuletion Xenia , Launchbox and big box. When i am inside from bigbox, tried closed Xenia wiht crontroller Xbox one. he does not respond to me. Xenia does not have setting controller for close the emulator, and in the configuration bigbox, does not control emulador xenia. is there any way to solve it? Thanks in advance.
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