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Everything posted by CHITCHATCHAN

  1. Thanks for the help again @CDBlue and @Headrush69 I finally got it working in terms running the Naomi games. But i'm not clear on something. When i imported the mame folder to C:\ user\Launch Box folder. For the Naomi games like Marvel vs capcom 2 and others, it will not run in LB, even after i change the default emulator from Mame64.exe to Retroarch . The Naomi games will run no problem if i launch Retroarch outside of LB. Manually opening Retorarch and loading the core (flycast) and loading the content (the specific Naomi rom) from the mame rom folder . Is there a way to separate the naomi roms from the mame roms, so it knows to use Retroarch emulator (when i'm using LB). Or a working around which doesn't involve me quitting LB and launching Retroarch just to run a few Naomi games.
  2. Great thanks @CDBlue and @Headrush69 for the reply. You mentioned the .zip/chd formats (aka Mame versions) is this something i can easily googling it self. or can i zip the list/bin and dump them into the Mame rom folder. Sorry about the dumb questions
  3. HI Forum, I signed up a few days ago. to Launch Box, and so far I'm pretty impressed I was just wondering if there is someone out there who has success with current setup of Sega Naomi games with flycast. Is there a walk through or run doc that someone can provide. https://docs.libretro.com/library/flycast/ I've used the link above to try and understand the setup, but as a noob i'm not to sure if i got correct files in their respective places. Any help would be appreciated Thank you again
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